Monday, December 01, 2008

The New Playroom

Screw's all about getting into Mommy's and Daddy's things lately. Ever since I gave him free reign to explore my bathroom, he's developed a thirst for discovering where everything in the house is kept. And then he wants to completely trash it. Occasionally, he'll be good and try to put things away, but this often results in things like teddy bears in the dryer, or deodorant in my hair products container. AND WE JUST CAN'T HAVE THAT. Oh, the chaos.

Over the past week, his new fascination lies in the kitchen. We were smart and put baby locks on the cabinets under the sink, but we didn't think about the cabinet with the cat food...and the cat food dishes. WHICH ARE GLASS, I might add. And, yes, he's broken one already. Luckily, there were no ouchies this time, but we definitely need to do a thorough re-organization, or just a simple lockdown, of certain spaces. He does have a "safe" drawer, which is overflowing with measuring cups, ice cream scoops, tongs, and whisks, and he seems to thoroughly enjoy carefully taking each item out, cautiously examining it, and then THROWING it down on the floor as hard as he can. This weekend, he also discovered the lazy susan in which the pots and pans reside. Let's just say he has a little too much fun clanking these around. I have a bruised toe to prove it.


Anonymous,  12/02/2008 2:27 PM  

Interior decorator in the making I see. LOL.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 12/04/2008 7:46 PM  

Doesn't this prove Stephen's point about the toy thing? I love how he is looking so innocent in the pics!! Who me???

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