Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hopefully Not Just a Fluke

I know this is going to make me sound like a clingy mom, but up until last night, Asher was still sleeping in our bedroom. We put him to sleep in his bassinet in our room (which I did bravely move away from the side of the bed after the first month), and he's good to go for a few hours, other than the few times we have to run in to put his buggy back in his mouth. Then, shortly after I go to sleep, I get tired of having to keep getting up to plug his mouth up, so I just drag his baby butt into bed with me. Ask Stephen - two adults and a baby do not sleep comfortably together in a queen size bed, especially when said baby likes to sleep perpendicular to said adults and also enjoys kicking and slapping in his sleep. Despite my baby's habit of flopping and flailing like a fish out of water during his sleep, I really enjoy snuggling up to him and giving him little kisses throughout the night. Stephen, on the other hand, cannot seem to appreciate sleeping on the very edge of the bed with his pillow hanging halfway off in the same position the entire night. He's so weird.

We originally decided Asher would sleep in our room for a couple of reasons. One, I was breastfeeding and it was so much easier when he'd wake in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning to just reach over and pluck him from his bassinet and feed him in bed. Big surprise that laziness was a factor, huh. Two, I felt more comfortable with him in the room with us - like I could somehow prevent bad things from happening to him if he was only ten feet away from me rather than in the next room. We decided, however, that once he outgrew his bassinet, we'd transfer him to his own room to sleep in his crib. Well, he sort of outgrew his bassinet about a month ago when he reached 15 pounds...I guess I've just been stalling to put him outside of my comfort zone. Not to mention the laziness factor again...who wants to walk clear to the next room in the middle of the night to replace a fallen pacifier?

For some reason, though, last night after I'd rocked him to a sufficient state of drowsiness, I just decided to take the plunge and plop him in his crib. The kid rolled over on his side, and we didn't hear a peep from him until 7:00 this morning when Buggy fell out of his mouth.

Let me emphasize that: Not one peep. Not even one! As in, he kept his mouth so closed that his pacifier remained in place ALL NIGHT LONG. Until 7:00 a.m.! I won't say how many times I woke up and went in to make sure he was still breathing because he was just THAT quiet. In fact, if it weren't for my worry, I'd have actually had a restful night's sleep because this was also the first night in I-don't-know-how-long that he hasn't ended up in bed with us.

We are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping and praying that the crib will bring many more pleasant, restful nights for both Asher and us. But, I do have the magical ability of constantly jinxing things when it comes to the baby, so don't be surprised if I'm posting about Baby Insomniac here in the next couple of days.


The Daily Squink 6/10/2008 9:14 PM  

Way to go, Asher! I'm sure there will be regressions back to the "old way" of doing things, but this is a big step in the right direction.

Dawn 6/10/2008 9:14 PM  

I bet you wish you would have listened to Dr. Timmons and put him in his crib at 2 months! Just think of all the sleep and sex you have been missing out on!

Joe 6/10/2008 9:25 PM  

Well, he seems to like the port-a-crib here, maybe that's what's helping?

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