Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Separation Anxiety at a Record High

My separation anxiety, that is.

Stephen is doing some work in Muncie this week, and it's making our schedules (I use that term very loosely) crazy. Tomorrow he has to be there at 9:00 a.m., which makes getting Asher to Grandfather Day Care (think opposite directions from each other) a very tricky task. Luckily, Grandfather Day Care (read: my father-in-law) is extremely flexible and generous and willing to drive north to meet us more than halfway. In fact, Grandfather Day Care is so generous and committed to providing excellent customer service that it's willing (read: eager) to KEEP OUR BABY OVERNIGHT.

Grandfather Day Care, we greatly appreciate the lengths you're willing to go in order to make life easier on us full-time working parents. We are very blessed that Asher has such a caring environment in which to spend his daytime.

But nighttime, too?! You really shouldn't have - it's too much! No, seriously! I feel faintly sick to my stomach from the rush of emotions I'm having. Panicked! Sad! Free! Relieved! Sad! Free! Sad some more! Panicked about feeling relieved!

Do you realize this is the first time I will have been away from my baby for 24 hours? Actually, by tomorrow evening, it will have been 36 hours since I saw Asher last. That's 2160 minutes. That's doable, right?

Asher will be just fine, I know that much. And really, it's not like I get to see him for more than an hour or two an evening, anyway, during the week these days, so it shouldn't be too much of a shock on my system. Right? Tell me it'll be fine! It'll be fine, I'll be fine, he'll be fine, WE'LL ALL BE FINE AND WON'T HAVE PANIC ATTACKS. Not more than a couple, at least, I promise.

Yeah, what was that thing I mentioned in my last post about sounding like a clingy mom? Not me. No, not clingy at all. Not even an eensy bit.


Dawn 6/11/2008 10:11 PM  

It will be fine. Take a deep breath and drink a glass of wine (or a bottle if needed)!

Anonymous,  6/12/2008 8:46 PM  

Who wouldnt miss that adorable kid? But Dawn is right, have a glass of wine or a bottle! At a minimum it will help you sleep. Is that healthy advice I dont know...all I know is that it has worked for many generations of mothers before you and I!

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