Friday, May 02, 2008

Four Months Old

Our little man turned four months old today. It's hard to believe how much personality he's developing already - I'd grown so used to him just being...well, just being. He's really starting to become fun in the sense that he's interacting with us more and more each day. He's now able to reach and grab toys (and skin and ears and earrings and noses and glasses...) and put them in his mouth and I NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE SO EXCITING. I mean, duh - a baby putting stuff in his mouth, how original, right? But - WOW - I swear no baby has put things in his mouth so brilliantly and adorably before in the history of the world! It's amazing how ginormous the "little" things are once you have a baby.

We took Asher to CVS tonight and, as is customary for our child who hates to be in his car seat stroller, I carried him through the store. He was so excited, it was hilarious. He was kicking his legs so quickly and powerfully that I nearly dropped him several times and his squealing had to have been heard across the store. In fact, he only made himself projectile spit up three or four times in the twenty minutes we were in there because he'd gotten himself so excited. It's fun to watch him discover this world that's so new to him. I mean, who knew looking at maxi pads and baby wipes could ever be so exciting you'd blow chunks all down the front of yourself?

It's interesting how he's becoming less controlled by his physical urges - appetite and sleep - and more controlled by his emotions. Like, it used to be when he'd get hungry, he'd instantly become pissed off and you could forget about consoling him unless you had his beloved milk. Now, he gets a little cranky when he's hungry, but you can distract him and console him in other ways for awhile. Or, when he was tired, he'd just fall asleep. Now, we usually have to put him to sleep. The poor little guy is so afraid he'll miss something and wants to stay awake so badly! What's really interesting is watching him handle it when his physical urges collide - like, when he's trying to eat but is so tired he becomes frustrated and refuses his bottle and just SCREAMS BLOODY MURDER. Then you put his pacifier in his mouth and usually he's out like a light. And you're left with almost a full bottle of breast milk going, what the hell was that all about? I mean, dude, if you aren't going to eat your milk, don't order any!

All in all, he's had a big month with mommy going back to work, staying home with daddy all day, starting to eat cereal, and experiencing the great outdoors as the weather is warming up. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming month, as I'm sure it will unveil many more exciting "little" milestones.

Here are Asher's April pictures.


The Daily Squink 5/03/2008 3:58 PM  

Jeff and I were just saying last week how it really is the little things that babies learn to do that make parenthood so exciting and fun. I think it's because you see them all the time, and when they do the smallest thing that's new for them, it's amazing, because they just learned how to do something!

Heck, I'M excited that Asher is now grabbing things. That is a big milestone.

Marmie 5/03/2008 6:29 PM  

Kimmie, you'd never guess your educational background. Duh!! You're so observant.

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