Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Real Men Love Bubble Baths

Tonight Asher had his first bubble bath. And he didn't hate it. He almost even seemed amused when I covered his body with bubbles and swished him around in the water. Almost.

The little blob of newborn is quickly turning into a semi-blob of baby. Aside from being awake more and more, he's also expressing himself more and more - primarily through crying and squawking. Luckily he still doesn't fuss much, but it's enough to put the fear in me that he could at any time become a fussy baby. On the other hand, he's also becoming more lovable. I've noticed that sometimes, when he gets fussy, I'm able to calm him by holding him extra close and nestling his head under my chin. I'll then catch him looking up at me every now and then, almost as if to make sure it's still his mommy holding him. He has also become very good at fixating on our faces and has finally noticed the mobile on his swing and car seat. It's amazing how quickly he's developing from a semi-conscious blob into a tiny person. I read that babies begin socially smiling around one month of age - that's just next week! I can't believe my baby is almost old enough to smile, and I can't wait to see it. After all, the expression on his face in this photo is his signature look - boredom and disappointment that he's forced to spend all his time with a couple of morons.

So anyway, back to the topic of baths, the reason he received a bubble bath tonight was due to his newfound pleasure - tinkling all over himself. Today he piddled on himself twice (and all over Stephen once). In fact, note the carefully placed washcloth in the photo which prohibits him from making a fountain in the water with his winkus. Without the washcloth, he sprays himself in the face with his own tinkle. Kind of defeats the purpose of bathing. I'm just waiting for the bathtub pooping to start. And speaking of poop, last evening while changing him he not only sprayed the changing table down, but he also shot poop about three feet off the changing table, hitting the carpet, dresser, and our floor lamp. The floor lamp with a paper lampshade. Any suggestions for getting bright mustard yellow baby poop out of paper?!

He sure is lucky I have a good sense of humor, especially when it comes to poop.

My sister has informed me that she NEEDS to see daily pictures of Asher, and Stephen has also demanded that I start posting more pictures of Asher. (That I don't quite understand; the man lives with the child, but whatever.) So, I'm going to attempt to make regular posts to my highly neglected blog, Picture Pages (see left sidebar for the link, too). If you want to see more Asher, that's where you'll find him.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 1/23/2008 9:20 PM  

I think you're telling stories about the "poopy" like Dawn tells stories about Em being "fussy"!! I know Asher would never do that. Great pic, and I see his belly button looks great too!!

Unknown 1/23/2008 11:38 PM  


Dawn 1/24/2008 7:52 AM  

Em's never pooped in the tub so maybe Asher won't either. Sounds like he might be a typically boy and just like to poop though.

Oh, I've never tried bubbles with Em. She loves baths so I should try it.

The Daily Squink 1/24/2008 3:17 PM  

Yay! I love his little face.

And Rowan has never pooped in the tub. He has hardly ever weetered on himself either. He just likes spitting up all the time.

Anonymous,  1/24/2008 7:08 PM  

I think he looks scared, or maybe its tolerance with an attitude.

Anonymous,  1/26/2008 9:15 AM  

I think he is so Adorable!!! Unwarrented advice of the day:when you change his diaper pull the old one down and immediately place the top of the new one over his winkus so that if he does try to squirt you all he hits is the diaper. U gotta beat them at their own game!!

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