Sunday, January 20, 2008


My sister has left us!


With a baby!

I came to the realization tonight after dinner that we haven't been alone but for a few hours since Asher was born. The night we came home from the hospital we were alone, but other than that, we've had visitors here constantly since. Jamie has been staying with us for the past two weeks and has offered me so much relief I don't know how I'm going to function without her. Largely it's been due to the fact that she has been the biggest baby hog and would actually offer to hold and watch the baby in between feedings - so I never felt guilty about pawning Asher off onto her. If I wanted a nap, a shower, a meal? Jamie was there with open arms and a huge greedy smile plastered to her face. Now? I fear I'll be left with a screaming baby as I attempt to scarf down a bowl of cereal for my first meal at 3:00 in the afternoon or I'll only have the energy to shower every fourth day because I'll be too frazzled trying to care for Asher and doing housework to take naps.

I'm trying my best to be a brave woman and spread my wings and soar into motherhood, but this is scary not having that net down below to catch me when I fall. Stephen is working all day and all evening the next two days, too, so I'm sort of going to be thrown into the deep end of the pool.

Serenity now! (Insanity later...)


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 1/21/2008 12:13 AM  

I know I'm supposed to give you words of encouragement but then I see that picture of Asher!! He is sooo beautiful!!!! You're going to do great!!!!

The Daily Squink 1/21/2008 10:23 AM  

Sweet! Sweeeeet! (fanning mouth)

Don't feel bad if you start crying a lot that first day by yourself. I cried and cried the first few times I was alone with Rowan. But you'll get through it, and be relieved to find that you actually CAN do it!

Also, now is the time to really break out that baby sling! It's amazing how much you can get done when you have that little baby all snug and warm in his cocoon.

Dawn 1/21/2008 4:09 PM  

Asher doesn't even look like a newborn in this pic.

Anonymous,  1/21/2008 6:20 PM  

I am sure you will do wonderful Kim! I am sure you will tell as many lies as Angela does about that sweet baby crying, but you both will do just fine!

Anonymous,  1/22/2008 1:26 PM  

Don't worry, we're on our way!!

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