Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Two Weeks Old?!

Is that even possible? I thought my pregnancy went by super quickly, and I guess time isn't planning on slowing down any now. Ah, Baby Neener, I carried you around in the sling today for the first time, and you fell asleep right away. I worried because you were all curled up in there, smooshed like a little bug in a rug, but you seemed right at home and I realized the sling probably felt quite spacious in comparison to the place in which you dwelled two weeks ago. I have to admit, I've felt a little sentimental today, missing carrying you around inside of me. Despite all the aches and pains I experienced, it was the most wonderful thing I've ever had the privilege of doing.

Two weeks isn't much, I know, and I also realize this is just the beginning of me feeling as if time is slipping between my fingers. He'll be two years before I know it, and then eventually twenty years. I worry I won't have the chance to savor every moment because the moments are passing so quickly.

This week we've begun to introduce tummy time into his "routine" (you know, scheduled in between 16 hours of sleeping, 6 hours of eating, and an hour of pooping). He doesn't seem to enjoy it much - he just kind of lies there grunting, kicking his legs and flopping his head about occasionally. In an effort to make this time more fun for him, we went out this evening to Babies 'R' Us and used one of our gift cards on an activity gym. (We opted for the Fisher Price Rainforest one, to keep in theme with his swing, mobile, and crib toy.) We also purchased a Halo Sleepsack for him, as he appears to detest swaddling. He sleeps well when swaddled; however, getting him to fall asleep swaddled is a chore. He fusses and twists and grunts endlessly while attempting to free his restrained arms and, by morning, sure enough no matter how tightly we swaddle him, his arms are popped out of the top of the swaddle. He's quite the little Houdini. He's definitely becoming more alert, keeping his blue peepers open for longer periods of time and gazing blankly around the room. He is able to focus on my face now, though, and I can't wait for the day when he actually appears to recognize me. I don't take it personally, though - he can't even recognize the difference between his hands and his beloved milk dispenser (my boobs), yet.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 1/17/2008 10:02 AM  

Why haven't you mentioned how much you've missed work??? (: 2 weeks old and still cute!!

Dawn 1/17/2008 12:06 PM  

In a few months, he will recognize you and your boobs....and you won't be able to get too far out of his sight!

I think all babies hate tummy time. I'm lucky to get Emerson on her tummy for 10 minutes at a time now.

Anonymous,  1/17/2008 8:36 PM  

Do I detect a smile on his sweet little apple face?

Anonymous,  1/18/2008 8:04 PM  

He is so adorable! Miss you guys already!

Unknown 1/20/2008 11:02 PM  

Baby withdrawal!! Already!!!

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