Friday, January 19, 2007

60 Years of Neener

Today is Stephen's Dad's birthday. In honor of his big day, I thought I'd list my top ten reasons why he's the best father-in-law ever:

1. He loves his kitty probably more than I love mine. This, from a man whose favorite saying to me used to be, the only good cat is a dead cat. Anyone who loves their kitty as much as he does holds a special place in my heart.

2. He's one of the smartest people I know. He knows the subject of history like the back of his hand. I can't help but admire that, because I absolutely suck at history. Remembering things is hard!

3. He can appreciate a couple of glasses of red wine and the effects are practically magical.

4. He's a cute little apple-faced man.

5. He calls me Neener, and lets me call him Neener in return. Anyone who humors my retardation also holds a special place in my heart.

6. He's the hardest working person I know.

7. He could give Bob Villa a run for his money. If you've seen their house, you know - the man has talent!

8. He thinks MXC and Seinfeld are as funny as I do.

9. He grills Boca burgers especially for me in the summer, when everyone else is enjoying grilled meat. Again, anyone who humors my retardation holds a special place in my heart!

10. He gave Stephen his handsome genes, and his sense of humor.


The Daily Squink 1/23/2007 6:12 PM  

That is a truly beautiful tribute to my Daddo. And every word is true!

Kim 1/23/2007 6:34 PM  

You are very lucky to have such a nice Daddo! Thanks for sharing him with me a little bit.

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