Monday, January 15, 2007

Yes, I Am a Stick in the Mud

Indianapolis is in an absolute tizzy after their beloved Colts won the game on Saturday. Yes, I'm happy the Colts won. Did I watch the game? No, I did not. Let the gasping begin!

I swear, all I have heard today in the office is people rejoicing over the Colts' win. When that wasn't being discussed in the most insane amounts of depth for insane amounts of time, people were planning for the big game on Sunday - fretting, predicting, betting, and I kid you not, one person in particular was so excited she started squealing and kicking her legs at the mere anticipation of watching the game. You would have thought that Ed McMahon had visited the majority of the people in my office and gave them each a million dollars cash. I am very happy that the Colts won, but will I watch the game this Sunday? I don't know, maybe, but probably not. I am going to make sure my sweet husband gets to relax and watch the game, though. Stephen chose to take me out to dinner this past Saturday instead of staying home and watching the game, so I owe him big time for being such the sweetheart that he is. (So there it is, Stephen - when I start whining Sunday afternoon about how I want to go do something, you have my written permission to tell me to sack it up and let you watch your game in peace.)

I just want to vent for a minute about all of the crazed fans out there. I think it's great that people find such pleasure in football, basketball, baseball, ping pong - whatever it may be - but they don't seem to realize some people like myself just don't get off from watching sports, and that doesn't make us heartless bastards. On Friday we were allowed to wear our Colts apparel or at least something blue to the office to show our support for the Colts. I showed up to work wearing my tan dress pants and a black turtleneck, not because I dislike the Colts but simply because I don't own any Colts apparel and I didn't feel like ironing the couple of blue shirts I have. Good grief, you would have thought I had shown up to work naked with the reaction I received. You aren't wearing blue?! Kim, where's your spirit, why aren't you wearing a Colts shirt? Don't tell me you hate the Colts?! You obviously hate the Colts, the City of Indianapolis, the State of Indiana, the United States of America, North America, the entire world, ALL OF HUMANKIND!! Seriously people, get a grip.

Anyway, my point being, I think it's wonderful that people can get so excited over sports, but I'm just not one of those people. My interests lie in different areas that aren't sports related, like the music of Coldplay or Fischerspooner, a new Coach purse or cashmere sweater, the sitcom "The Office" or "Scrubs," a road trip, or getting together with a good friend and gossiping over a cup of coffee. So, wear your blue, paint your face, call in sick next Monday because you're incredibly hung over from the amount of hardcore partying you did the night before while watching the game, have fun and enjoy yourself. I hope the Colts win, I really do. But don't make me feel like a freak of nature when you ask me if I watched the game and I say no. Seriously people whose names will remain nameless, that doesn't make me the anti-Christ.


The Daily Squink 1/16/2007 3:57 PM  

That's hilarious about the woman squealing in anticipation of the game on Sunday. All I could think was "Duh, people! The Colts are going to LOSE, because the stupid PATRIOTS are going to be playing them! And they always beat the Colts in the playoffs! You shouldn't be excited, you should be DREADING Sunday!"

Poor Colts. I won't be watching the game either, Kim.

Anonymous,  1/21/2007 1:00 PM  

It might be easier to listen to the people in your office if they weren't so.....well, I don't have to put it in writing do I!! I do not envy your Monday morning my dear!!!


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