Friday, June 05, 2009

Screaming Match

Stephen has informed me that he and Asher have a new game they play, primarily when they're out shopping. It's basically nothing more than Asher pulling Stephen in so they're nose-to-nose, and then proceeding to scream their heads off at each other. I got to witness a snippet of this tonight. Stephen said that this was a very weakened version of the game because Asher was distracted by other things going on; normally, they yell a lot louder at each other.

The next time you're at Target and get annoyed by the sounds of a screaming toddler off in the distance, it's probably just Stephen and Asher, duking it out.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 6/06/2009 6:39 PM  

Too cute, Sloan and I used to do the same thing, of course Stephen and Asher have us beat on the decimal level! Love it!

Marmie 6/07/2009 7:43 PM  

I think he was more interested in TV.

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