Wednesday, May 20, 2009

There Are Some Things in Life That Make No Sense, and Sometimes Those Things Are in My House

I'm, thankfully, feeling lots better today, so I went back to work, both at the office and at home. I'm not quite sure yet which has been a scarier task, but I'm beginning to think it's the home stuff. At the office, I really only missed two days, because my four-day yuckfest fell on a weekend. But at home...well, we all know there's no such thing as a "weekend" from housework, so I've fallen four days behind on laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, and tidying up. And before you start rolling your pretty little eyes, Stephen, because I KNOW you are, for once I am not ripping on your not-always-sweet housekeeping skills. You worked a ton of hours over the weekend, and when you weren't working, you were busy being a doting father and husband, taking care of your sick boy and wife. You had no time for housework, either. You are a good man and we love you!

So, anyway, I come home from work and begin to feed the cats and notice that, hanging on the banana rack - WHICH, I might add, I fully give credit to Stephen for not only using but for also purchasing on his own, with no prompting from me - are a bunch of nicely ripened bananas - WHICH, I also add, were purchased by Stephen the last time he went to the grocery store. And below these bananas are not one, but two halves of bananas. And next to those halves? (Here is where my panties get in a bit of a bunch.) A PERFECTLY CLEAN BANANA SAVER.

Wait - what's a banana saver, you might wonder? Well, it's this nifty little plastic clip thingy that you put over the end of a cut banana, which keeps the air off of the banana, and keeps it from going bad so quickly. makes perfect sense that the banana halves are laying next to the banana saver, right?

Okay, okay, so maybe the banana saver was dirty when the first banana was cut. But that doesn't explain why there are still TWO banana halves laying on the kitchen counter. If the first half was too yucky to eat this morning - because as you can see, it's turning black, and when I picked it up to throw it away, it was definitely mushy - why wouldn't you just throw it out? Why would you keep it there, and lay the fresher half right next to it? Are we intentionally trying to attract fruit flies? I DON'T GET IT.

Stephen, any insight you can provide on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


The Daily Squink 5/20/2009 7:40 PM  

The way to get around this problem is to eat the WHOLE banana every time. I don't know why everyone else in my family only eats a 1/2 a banana at a time (I noticed 1/2 bananas sitting around when Dad was here to visit). That's just not enough banana for the Browns, apparently, because Jeff, Rowan and I always eat the whole thing in one sitting (and lately Rowan's been asking for two at a time).

But other than that, the banana saver is a pretty neat gizmo. Does Mom and Dad have one?

Unknown 5/20/2009 7:53 PM  

I guess I'm lazy.

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 5/20/2009 10:36 PM  

I had no idea people only ate 1/2 a banana?! How is that possible that's like eating only 3 Oreos instead of the whole sleeve!

Dawn 5/21/2009 9:14 AM  

I've never heard of a banana saver, but Emerson always eats the whole thing or Jim shares it with her.

How can a man bake cooks at 10 p.m., but he can't throw an old banana away...hmmm.

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 5/21/2009 12:58 PM  

That's hilarious Dawn!! It sorta explains Stephen though!!!

Kim 5/21/2009 2:39 PM  

Asher usually eats 1/2 a banana if he's having it with something Cheerio's or graham crackers.

Dawn, it's impossible to figure Stephen out. He's a man of mystery.

Unknown 5/22/2009 10:12 PM  

I enjoy being an enigma wrapped in a riddle.

Marmie 5/24/2009 5:30 PM  

Joe is constantly leaving a 1/4 of a banana on the counter with the whole peel attached. So, I simply pop the rest out and eat it, even if I'm not hungry. But who can pass up a banana. That would be like passing up a half piece of bacon!!!! Steve and Joe are very much alike I fear.

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