Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby Kills Innocent Tube of Lipstick

This is really my fault; I saw Asher grab my lipstick off the table and toddle off with it, but I didn't think anything of it because, oh I don't know, I obviously had a complete mental shutdown at that exact moment, or something. Duh: toddler + lipstick = not a very good combination!

After a couple of minutes of him sitting across the room very quietly with his back to me, I knew something was up. Sure enough, I peeked over his shoulder to find him attempting to stuff both of his thumbs in the tube at the same time. Luckily, I came to my senses when I did; though the lipstick would have been saved entirely had I been sensible enough to not let him play with it in the first place, at least I caught him before he got bored with squishing it and learned he could fingerpaint on the walls and every other object in the house with it. The mess did take a good ten minutes to scrub off of him, and it only came off after we broke out the Comet with bleach. (Alright, so we didn't...that was our last resort if the Method dish soap didn't work. He was very relieved that it did.) Who knew lipstick was so hard to get off of skin? Not to mention, while cleaning him, he felt the need to touch every single thing on the sink he could reach with his grubby little stained paws, so I had a second mess to clean after him. That's okay, I got my revenge by scrubbing his rosy nostrils out.

Boys just have no respect for cosmetics!


The Daily Squink 4/28/2009 3:42 PM  

That kid looks totally bummed that he's getting his ornery ass cleaned...

I only laugh because it hasn't happened to me yet.

Marmie 4/28/2009 6:55 PM  

So why won't the stuff stay on the lips? I don't have to scrub it off, it just disappears. It's that simple!!!

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