Sunday, January 11, 2009

Asher's First Puke Fest

The clingy-ness, it turns out, was probably due to Asher being a sick little bug. He woke up at midnight and we couldn't get him to stay asleep. Finally, we took him in our bed. A little after four this morning, he woke us up by vomiting. We changed the sheets, changed him, changed my clothes, laid him back down, turned the lights off, and he proceeded to vomit again. Another change of sheets, an added towel on the bed (since the mattress cover was off due to the first yak mishap), another change of pajamas for both me and him, and then he threw up again. A call to the dial-a-nurse through our insurance program, another bout of spewing, a breaking of his fever, and he was zonked. Poor baby. He's thrown up a few times since then, but has been puke-free for the past couple of hours. I'm hoping the worst is over and that he'll be able to keep the Pedialyte down and have a little something bland to munch on in a few hours.

This is our first time having to deal with our child being sick with something other than a little cold, and it's scary. I feel awful; I don't know what's hurting him, what would make him feel better, what's best for him. All I know is that he's sick and I want to fix it but I can't! Ugh, I'm dreading the future illnesses, broken bones, scrapes, cuts, bee stings...


Marmie 1/11/2009 3:19 PM  

Angela just went through this. Is something going around for just babies?

Dawn 1/11/2009 4:57 PM  

Emerson is sick too. She has been throwing up and had the poops since Thursday. Luckily, she hasn't thrown up today so hopefully that part is over. And she won't drink pedialyte!

Jim and I have it too, but it's even worse when your baby has don't want to see them sick.

The Daily Squink 1/12/2009 1:35 PM  

What? Why don't you have a photo of this for the post?

They said that a stomach virus has been going around – it sounds like it made it over to Indy already! With Rowan, the vomiting stopped pretty quickly, after just a few hours, but the diarrhea is still around. My doctor said it was a lasting effect of the virus, and that it keeps their bodies from digesting milk properly. So he's basically fine, but he just can't drink milk for the time being. I hope little Asher is feeling better!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 1/12/2009 3:48 PM  

Gosh I hope everyone is feeling better soon! Of course I'm coming after you all if I get sick, which of course I will since I start school tomorrow. Did you know Sloan didn't throw up until she was in 3rd or 4th grade! Well I take that back she used to get car sick when Dan had her! Gosh I feel bad about that! I think Asher deserves a popsicle mom.

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