Thursday, October 09, 2008

Our House = Giant Toilet

This picture was taken last night while we were doing our typical post-bath Naked Baby wrangling routine, during which Asher becomes even crazier and friskier than usual from the high he gets from being nude. It's usually a good 15-20 minute process, trying to wrestle him to the ground for moisturizing and pajama-ing in between spurts of him flying around the room on his hands and knees.

Asher threw in a little special bonus twist for us last night. Just a couple of minutes before this picture was taken, he piddled all over my hand, the floor, and his diaper as I was beginning to put his diaper on him. While that was being cleaned up and another diaper was being obtained, just after this picture was taken, Asher sat down and started playing with a toy and began grunting. Yep, it was his "POOPIES!" grunt. Luckily, it wasn't much more than a shart, but it was gross enough all the same.

It's funny because yesterday morning, I came downstairs and found kitty poopies on the dining room floor. Pottying outside of the litter box happens very rarely, but every great once in awhile, magical turds will appear on the floor, seeming to have popped up out of nowhere. I don't know if the litter box is occupied when another one of them has to go, and they feel like they can't hold it, or if they just do it to piss us off. My guess is it's to piss us off. All I know is, it's a damn good thing there's three of them so that I don't know who the culprit is.

Anyway, apparently yesterday none of our "children" were potty trained.

A big, huge thanks to Stephen for cleaning up all the poop. It takes a strong man to handle that kind of a crappy task.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 10/10/2008 12:21 AM  

He looks like he is posing, like look at my hotness!

The Daily Squink 10/10/2008 8:46 AM  

That look on his face and his clenched butt cheeks is just priceless.

Rowan has taken to making his evening poopies in the bathtub. Luckily, I don't usually give him his bath.

Dawn 10/11/2008 10:14 PM  

You are brave to let him run around naked. I make Em wear a diaper.

Anonymous,  10/12/2008 10:34 PM  

But he is so you cant really be mad at him right?!

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