Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Death of My Blogging Community

When I began blogging almost two years ago, it was because I really liked the idea of keeping an online journal that friends and family could read and keep themselves apprised of what (little) was going on in our lives. Since my pregnancy, I've used the blog mostly as a way to document Asher's life for him, us, and our loved ones. It's been an awesome way to share photos with grandparents and exchange baby-rearing wisdom with fellow moms. I know it's totally lame, but I get so happy each time someone leaves a comment on my posts. Sure, lots of people could be reading my blog, but how do I know if I never hear from those people? Not to mention, some of the comments I've received have seriously pulled me through the craziness of this year. So, if you love me, you will leave me a comment. (I'm going to be so distraught when I receive ZERO comments on this post.)

Much to my delight in the past two years, several friends and family began their own blogs. I love being able to click on a link and be taken into the "world" of my best friend, or my sister-in-law. Call me lazy, but it's awesome to be able to know what's going on with someone you care about without having to talk on the phone or e-mail, especially during this time of my life when being a full-time working mom with a very active seven month old makes it next to impossible to keep in touch in the traditional ways with people. To me, it makes the distance between me and other people much shorter. It's kind of like I get to experience a bit of their lives with them without physically being there.

Unfortunately, I've realized this week that nearly all of my linked blogs are dead and I fear that pretty soon I won't have any more blogs to peek in on. Most of my blogging community has gone MIA, and I'm pretty much left with two blogs to monitor. TWO! Satisfying my nosiness is going to be very difficult to do with only two blogs to read. People, for the love of God and everything holy, BLOG already! It's easy, it's a nice way to document your life - you know, if you don't mind everyone reading it, it's free, it keeps people connected, and, most importantly, it keeps me entertained. Lord knows I don't get much entertainment these days. Help a poor girl out - I'm lonely over here!


The Daily Squink 8/20/2008 7:26 PM  

Believe me, Jeff and I feel your pain. He's always going on and on about why people don't have a blog/don't update their blogs/don't comment on blogs. But don't worry, you'll always have us. We aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Jeff 8/20/2008 9:45 PM  

I actually don't comment as much as I should.

Marmie 8/20/2008 10:01 PM  

See, you didn't get a "0"!!!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 8/21/2008 1:35 PM  

Somehow I feel this posting is directed a little towards me! (: Although I have loved blogging and am feeling a bit of withdrawal from not doing it, I have many regrets of not living in the moment with Sloan a little more and of course not working on my school like I should be, you know me I can't just do anything a little bit and the blogging got out of control! Maybe you could call that show Intervention for me! (I love that show!) I guess this means you're going to have to venture out of the townhouse and meet me for egg salad and ice cream more! I miss u guys!

Anonymous,  8/26/2008 11:03 AM  

I'm guilty.. I read the blog but don't always comment via blog...I have enjoyed reading about your life, seeing Asher, etc., since I decided to move half away across the country...The Princess will comment regularly from now on :)


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