Monday, July 14, 2008

Poor Mr. Grumpy Bug

Asher had his belated six-month checkup this afternoon. Aside from it taking almost two hours (of course, the actual exams with the nurses and doctor took maybe twenty minutes combined) only for Asher to end up in tears at the end due to a round of four shots, everything went really well. Asher is about 17 1/2 pounds, which puts him in the 50th percentile for weight (although I still swear the kid weighs at least thirty). It also turns out that he's in the 75th percentile for both height and head circumference. A child of mine, tall? The melon-sized head is no shocker, however; it's a well-known fact I have a bit of a complex regarding my own enormous noggin, thanks to the boyfriend my sister had back in junior high. Jamie told me Scott said, "'Your sister is kind of weird looking. It's like she's got a tiny body and a giant head.' Isn't that funny?!" Yeah, real funny; I have a giant head?! Zits, weird body hair, freckles, pale skin, thick eyebrows...all of those "flaws" I possessed I was well aware of. But now I have to add "huge cranium" to my list of insecurities? I've never been the same since. I'd wear a hat to cover it up, but I can't find any large enough to fit.

Thankfully, Asher has the height-thing going for him; hopefully this is an indication that his body-head proportion will be less freakish than mine. If not, it's no big deal. You know what they say...big head = big brain. Not to mention, he has the cutest darn head. If it happens to be large, that's just more available space for cuteness to reside.

Asher was such a good boy during the checkup. He did scream and cry during his shots, but within a few seconds, he was smiling at daddy again. Unfortunately, the cheeriness didn't last long...he screamed bloody murder for a good hour this evening (see below picture, which was taken after he'd calmed down a bit). After some Tylenol and a bath, he perked up a little and even managed to do some scooting around before bed...looks like that inchworm maneuver he's been working on is finally starting to take him places. He's not 100% by any means, though. I put him to bed an hour and a half ago, and he's awoken two or three times already. They say the reactions to the vaccines will be the same as they were the previous times, since they're the same vaccines, but I don't remember him being this grumpy at all. I think it's going to be a long night.


Dawn 7/15/2008 6:27 AM  

He's probably po'd that he spent two hours in the doctor's office and missed out on some play time.

P.S. We have never had a wait at the doctor's office but we did the last time we went...what's up with that?

Unknown 7/15/2008 11:17 PM  

We always wait at Dr. Timmons office. Usually 30 minutes in the waiting room and another 30-45 in the patients room.

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