Monday, March 03, 2008

Going to the Doctor Sure Does Suck

Asher survived his set of vaccinations today. Actually, I don't think they bothered him nearly as much as they bothered me. He was first given an oral vaccination, which I was concerned about because of the amount of screaming he made when we tried to give him vitamins a few weeks ago. He surprised me, though, and swallowed it without the slightest fuss. The nurse was really fast at administering the four shots (two in each thigh) - it took her less than a minute to do them all. He turned beet red and screamed while they occurred, but once she was finished and I let him pull my hair a little bit (his stress reliever, I've found - lucky me), he seemed to be pretty much over it. (It's too bad I'm still crying about them.) He's been looking quite defeated and tired since then, though (see pathetic sad face below). We were told that over the next couple of days he might get a slight fever, his legs might be a little sore, and he might be cranky and sleepy, but other than that he should be fine. Per the doctor's suggestion, we went out and purchased our first bottle of infant's Tylenol just in case he seems to not be feeling well or develops a fever.

Other than that, the visit was pretty uneventful. Asher now weighs 12 pounds 5 ounces, which is less than I figured he'd weigh. Since he gained three pounds in his first month, I was expecting to have a 14 pounder on my hands at this checkup. He's about 23 1/4 inches long, too. As usual, we didn't have many questions for the doctor. It's pretty nice to have a drama-free baby (knock on wood - remember, Asher is the king at proving me wrong) and not really have any worries to share with the doctor.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 3/04/2008 11:11 AM  

The key is to drug your baby before the shots! (: Oh and before boarding a plane! Those pictures are too sad!! I hope you gave him lots of kisses!

The Daily Squink 3/04/2008 3:37 PM  

Awww, look at those chubbeh legs... I hope he's feeling okay today.

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