Sunday, February 24, 2008

Busy Weekend for a Little Man

Asher has had a lot going on in his little world over the past few days, in more ways than one.

His Aunt Gie Gie (aka, Angie) came down Thursday night and doted much attention on him through Saturday afternoon. We rode with her to Logansport on Saturday afternoon so we could spend the night with Nee Nee and Pa Pa, and he also got to meet Grandma Marla (Angie's mom). This was his first night away from his daddy and, although it was evident he missed him dearly, he did quite well. I have to admit I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the help I received from Angie, Mom, and Bob over the past few days - even having someone else entertain him for just half an hour so I can take a shower, a nap, or check my e-mail feels like such a huge treat. I love you with all my heart, buddy, but sometimes Mommy could use a minute or two to herself. It's what keeps me semi-sane.

Asher has also been active developmentally blossoming. He's finally started smiling! Granted, the smiles are very few and far between and we have to work hard for them (we're only lucky to get a handful a day), but we feel like the most special people in the world when they occur. He is also working hard at mastering the art of bringing his fists to his mouth. Half of the time the fists make it to his cheek, nose, eye, or somewhere off to the side of his head, but he does manage to make contact with his chompers sometimes. I love to watch him concentrate on his little fist, staring at it as he slowly brings it to his face, sticking his tongue out in anticipation of its arrival, only to miss and hit his cheek. His vocabulary has really begun to increase in the past week, too. We're hearing more and more baby coos and, I have to say, they are the cutest "words" ever spoken (especially when they're wedged between bouts of angry grunting or crying). My most favorite thing he's been doing, though, is sleeping almost through the night. Like, for six or seven hours at a time! Then we wake, change, and feed, and GO BACK TO SLEEP for another two or three hours. It's wonderful - I almost feel like a fully rested person for most of the day. If I didn't get up every few hours to relieve my bosom engorgement, I'd be rich with sleep. Oh well. Instead, I'm rich with frozen boob juice.


Dawn 2/25/2008 1:18 PM  

It won't be long and he will be smiling and laughing all the time. Just wait...your heart will melt!

The Daily Squink 2/25/2008 3:03 PM  

I wuv his little round face! I can't wait to see Asher this weekend.

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