Sunday, January 13, 2008

The First Outing

We got really wild and crazy this evening: We left the house.

My parents came to visit today and my mom, knowing I've been pretty down in the dumps lately, suggested that we go out to eat because maybe leaving the house would lift my spirits. So, off to Chili's we went and, aside from me having a tiny panic attack about where in the world we would put Asher during dinner (shows you how much attention I'd paid in the past to other restaurant patrons with children as I'd never noticed they actually have car seat stands in restaurants - brilliant!), everything went splendidly. Asher was a perfect little well-behaved man, barely stirring at all during the entire dinner. He'll always be this easy to take out in public, right? We must remember to cherish these days of semi-consciousness.


Dawn 1/14/2008 8:42 AM  

Kim, you need to take him out as much as possible. Emerson loves being out, and she rarely acts up (well, except at Church)! She is at the age where she loves looking at everyone and everything around her.

Anonymous,  1/15/2008 4:24 PM that is a novel idea.

The Daily Squink 1/16/2008 3:22 PM  

He looks so small in that car seat and bundle me! But what a handsome little face.

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