Monday, December 17, 2007

Only Two More Weeks.

Our doctor's appointment this morning was quite an eventful one.

(1) I've put on two pounds in the past week. I blame giant monster baby, for surely it wasn't from the dessert pitch-in we had for our office Christmas party on Friday or the additional half dozen cookies I ate at my mother-in-law's on Friday night.

(2) I was treated like both a stress-relief ball (when the doctor checked my abdomen to feel the position of the baby) and a hand puppet. Much to my surprise, turns out, having your cervix checked is NOTHING like the usual checking they do down there during annual lady exams. (In other words, OUCH!!)

(3) My doctor thinks it may be best to induce me a little early. Apparently, Baby Neener is quite the overachiever at thriving in my womb. Or, I'm quite the overachiever at growing babies. Either way, as she put it, if I really want to wait until my due date or later for him to arrive naturally and see if I'm capable of delivering an eleven-pound baby, more power to me. I did not find this option very appealing, so I decided to choose the alternate option. I am scheduled to be at the hospital at 6 a.m. on January 2 to be induced into labor. Now, I am being induced a little early because there will be a better chance of me being able to deliver normally than if we were to wait; however, there is still a decent chance I'll have to have a Cesarean. Several people have asked me today why she isn't inducing me next week if the rapid growth of the baby is the issue. I will tell you - after 12 years of being on-call during Christmas week (including on Christmas Day), she thinks she deserves a year of being off for Christmas. Understandable, I suppose, but this is the year that I'm giving birth. Why can't she wait until next year to travel to South Carolina to spend Christmas with her son?! So, the earliest she will be on-call again is January 2.

I have to admit I'm freaking out a little bit. I am totally not a morning person to begin with. I know I won't get any sleep because - HELLO - I will have the dreaded labor lingering over my head. I will be starving my ass off - I'm not supposed to eat much after midnight because if I do, I'll apparently more than likely puke it back up. To top it off, there's no guarantee that doing this will ensure I'll have a normal, "easy" delivery. A giant monster baby is going to be forced to try to escape through the most petite area of my petite body. I am scared.


Dawn 12/17/2007 7:06 PM  

How exciting! Baby Neener is almost here. You will be glad that you are being induced. I would do it again.

When they induce you, are they giving you Cervadil first? Or just going straight for the pitocin?

Kim 12/17/2007 7:10 PM  

I have no idea what they're giving me or when. All I know is my doc said that if I want I could start the epidural before they induce me so I won't have any pain!

Dawn 12/17/2007 7:30 PM  

Sounds like they are giving you the pitocin right away. Yes, get the epidural right away. I almost missed mine. I was given pitocin at 7 a.m. and had Emerson at 11:17 a.m.

Kim 12/17/2007 7:37 PM  

Pray for me that Baby Neener comes that quickly, and without surgical intervention!

Anonymous,  12/19/2007 1:50 PM  

Kimber, you will do just fine....Princesses always do....Get as much of any and all drugs that you can and it will be a piece of cake. Pig out the day before...


Anonymous,  12/20/2007 5:37 PM  

Who delivers if Neener is early?

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