Saturday, December 15, 2007

Week 36: The Beginning of the End?

Much to my amazement, there are only four more weeks until my due date. Even more to my amazement, I'm beginning to hope this baby's delivery comes prior to my due date. Whenever I have a Braxton Hicks contraction, I find myself a little disappointed when another one doesn't follow. Or, when I think I'm having a cramp, I get a tad bit frustrated when it turns out to be just gas. I'm not a masochist; I'm just starting to feel worn out, stretched out, and beaten up from serving as Baby Neener's life vessel for the past nine months. People have said that by the end I'd be looking forward to the labor. Up until the past couple of weeks, I thought they were crazy. I stand corrected.

Several people have said I look like I've started to drop during this week, and I agree. I can tell he's further down than before - sometimes it feels like he's trying to claw his way out down there. (Way down there.) I've read that when the baby drops, although it causes more pressure on the bladder and makes walking and sitting more difficult and uncomfortable, it does alleviate the discomfort in the diaphragm and ribs. As my doctor informed me, though, he's big enough so that as he drops his toes are still finding their way into my rib cage and when he stretches out I still feel really short of breath, so I'm just left a breathless, waddling mess. How fortunate for me! I also noticed in the bathroom mirror the other morning that my boobs are no longer resting on top of my belly as they had been for the past couple of months - yet another sign Baby Neener must be traveling south.

My main complaints are still backaches and lack of sleep; however, new aches and pains have begun to rear their ugly heads in the past week or two. I'm feeling more internal pains than before. I assume this is probably because the baby is taking up even more room and further squishing my organs and bones? My hips have become more stiff and sore - hopefully this is because the baby is down there planning his exit route. My hands have swollen a little bit - I'm no longer able to wear my wedding ring. And, last night as I was changing into my pajamas, I noticed I had CANKLES for the first time. Yuck! Luckily this morning my ankles were back to their normal size, but my feet still looked a little puffy. My whole body in general has just felt much heavier this past week - so much so, that my feet get sore really quickly when walking and I'm in need of more arch support in my shoes than before. I pulled a muscle in my foot the other day, in fact. My gait now consists of a very graceful waddle-limp combination. Overall, I am feeling the most physically inflexible I've ever felt - I feel like a giant Kim-ka-bob.

But don't get me wrong - I really have enjoyed being pregnant and look forward to doing it again one day. Part of me feels as if this pregnancy has absolutely flown by, but another part of me feels like I've been pregnant forever. I remember in the beginning of my pregnancy feeling anxious and even a little sad about the changes my body was going through. Now, at the end, I strangely feel a little anxious and even a little sad about losing my pregnant body and (eventually) transforming back into my normal body. I'm definitely sad that I won't get to feel my baby moving around inside of me anymore. There's an indescribable bond I've developed while sharing my body with the little squirt and, as excited as I am to finally meet him and have him in my arms, I'll really miss the connection we have right now. Admittedly, I will also be sad not to get the special attention I have become accustomed to lately. I definitely haven't abused the fact that everyone is practically at my beck and call - and voluntarily so - but it's been really nice knowing I could take advantage if I wanted. However, I won't miss the backaches. Or the awful way my clothes (don't) fit. Clothes - REGULAR CLOTHES! I can't wait to get those back.

We will have our next doctor's appointment this Monday morning - if there's any news, I'll be sure to post about it. Otherwise, I guess it'll be another week of Stephen enduring my moaning and groaning as we ride out the storm.


Unknown 12/15/2007 4:26 PM  

You know I'd do anything to you, Sweetie. Err, I'd do anything for you.

The Daily Squink 12/16/2007 9:46 AM  

You know, it must be the angle of the camera, because you look bigger in photos than you do in real life, now that I've seen you this past weekend.

After reading your post, I'm sitting here trying to remember what it was like to be pregnant, and I can't even remember now! Isn't that strange? It's like it happened to someone else.

Dawn 12/16/2007 10:58 AM  

You look so cute!

You won't have time to miss Baby Neener in your belly because you will be catering to his every need in person. Believe me...I know from experience. :)

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 12/16/2007 1:31 PM  

Dawn's lying to you, Emerson is a perfect angel!! Gosh, all that cooing and smiling and sleeping she does has got to be exhausting!! (: I know Emerson isn't faking me out when we meet for lunch is she???

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