Friday, October 05, 2007

TMI Warning

As you may have noticed, I have been primarily using my blog over the past several months to document my pregnancy. For one, I was too sick and/or lazy and/or cheap to go out and buy a pregnancy journal to write in. Besides, if I had, chances are I would have been too lazy to write in it. I don't know why, but I find typing easier and more enjoyable, so I figured this method of documentation would be more utilized. Two, it's so much easier to direct people to my blog when they ask questions than to repeat stories a million times. Again, this goes back to me being lazy. Three, I'm pregnant. It's kind of a big deal and it's kind of on my mind a lot. You know, like all the time. I've found it quite difficult to post about any other subject lately because, well, my mind is just a teensy bit focused on the crazy/exciting/scary changes that are taking place in my body, life, and marriage. Four, it's my freakin' blog and I'll post about whatever I want to post about. If people don't like it, then people don't have to read it. With that being said, I'm forewarning you, my beloved readers, that I'm about to divulge what most would probably consider a little too much information. Get out now while you have the chance.

Now that the squeamish have gone and all that are left are those who are morbidly curious - people after my own heart - I am free to talk about whatever I want to talk about, and I want to talk about my boobs. Not my old boobs, though...

My new magical mommy boobs.

I asked my mother just on Sunday night when I could expect to start having leaky breasts. She said it'd probably start to happen in the 7th or 8th month. The past two mornings I woke up with light-colored dried spots on my t-shirt. I expressed my suspicion to Stephen this morning that I thought the leaking may have begun. Then, sure enough, I was sitting at work typing away when I got a strange, warm, prickly sensation in my ta-tas. A little scared, I gingerly looked down my shirt and the weirdest thing was happening: liquid was coming out of my boobies!

Of course milk production is totally natural. Of course I was expecting it to happen. But how did I feel when it did happen? Honestly, a little creeped out! My boobs have never leaked before (obviously), so according to my past experience, this was NOT a natural occurrence. At the same time, though, I felt amazed and strangely proud and wanted to stand up and tell everyone in the whole world about my incredible boobs. Yes, yes, I know I'm nowhere near being the first or last woman to have leaky pregnant breasts, but that really doesn't make any difference because this is the first time I'm having this experience, so in my head, YEAH, it IS a huge milestone!

For some strange reason, Baby Neener is pretty excited about this big occurrence, too.


Dawn 10/06/2007 9:42 AM  

I will keep reading...I like TMI!

Anonymous,  10/06/2007 11:48 PM  

I love TMI...the really good thing is we can all print these blogs and show them to baby Neener and his girlfriends later! Oh yeah, embarrassing moments galor!! Love it!

The Daily Squink 10/07/2007 8:34 PM  

Wow, that never happened to me! Are you SURE you're due in January? Maybe Baby Neener will be here sooner than you think?

Kim 10/07/2007 11:33 PM  

Bite your tongue, Angela Brown.

Marmie 10/08/2007 9:59 PM  

Wait till the shower at least.

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 10/09/2007 6:00 PM  

OMG, woman! Just when I think you've pushed it to the limit with your poopie talk, now you're talking about leaky boobies. Oh and so you are prepared, those puppies will be leaking for months (maybe even a year) after you stop breast feeding!! How hot is that!!

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