Friday, June 08, 2007

Apparently, It's Finally Happening

They (two little at-home pregnancy tests and the doctor) tell us we're going to have a baby. I'm still in shock, though, and don't quite believe the news yet. After all this time, it seems too good to be true. And quite frankly, I'd started to convince myself it just wasn't going to happen.

We gave up trying to not get pregnant in September. That previous month, in August, a miraculous thing happened - I was a few days late, and the thought entered our minds that I could be pregnant...and that thought, for once, did not freak us out. In fact, we were even a little disappointed when I did start. This made us question ourselves and the mantra we'd had for years that maybe in a "couple" of years we'd maybe start thinking about maybe starting a family. And here, all of a sudden, the idea of starting a family did not feel like a complete nightmare.

Contrary to every single health and sex education lesson we've had since middle school, it turns out it is, in fact, quite possible to not get pregnant after one session under the sheets without protection. In fact, after several months of nonchalantly playing it unsafe, we still found ourselves unsuccessful in the department of knocked-upness. When I was a sophomore in high school, my health teacher had frightened us all with a story of a young teenage girl who allegedly became impregnated from merely dry humping with her boyfriend. "It," after all, can apparently "very easily" swim through his underwear, his pants, her jeans, her panties, and eventually up her you-know-where and result in teenage motherhood. And now, almost fifteen years later, I'm finding out I actually have to try? I thought this was supposed to be easy, like catching a cold, or herpes. Sure, it was a great motivator for me to put off having sex in high school, but I have to say it's led to some serious feelings of failure as an adult. Despite those inadequacies we felt, our stubbornness was much stronger. Around December we upgraded our methods and became a little more serious about the whole science of babymaking.

Apparently, our added efforts paid off. I nervously took a pregnancy test on the evening of Mother's Day, immediately after we returned home from Rowan's baptism. Two little pink lines immediately popped up. I took another test the next morning, and it, too, came out positive. This past Monday, on the 4th, I had my first prenatal exam. Although to my dismay they are trusting my interpretation of the results of my at-home pregnancy tests and didn't conduct another pregnancy test on me, I was told during my lady exam that my "cervix looks pregnant" (I guess it changes to a bluish-purplish color when you're pregnant) and my uterus is just the size it ought to be.

Oh my God. I'm about nine weeks pregnant. In mid January, we will become parents. I am so freakin' excited. (And a little freakin' terrified, to be honest.) Stay tuned for lots of stories on pregnancy woes and baby preparations...


Unknown 6/09/2007 8:53 AM  

Who cares about all of that, honestly?

I am going to be an Aunt!!

Congratulations, Kimmie and Steve!

Anonymous,  6/09/2007 8:28 PM  

It's about time,if you weren't so stingy with it, you could have been with child earlier.

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 6/10/2007 11:12 PM  

Congrats!!!!! I'm thrilled to death for you guys!!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 6/10/2007 11:13 PM  

Ok I have no idea why it posted a jillion times, but I am really, really happy for you! Lets hope this only post once.

hannes 6/11/2007 5:33 PM  

Congratulations! I'm about to become uncle, too, in October.
One of these days I'll have to come along when Wes goes to Indy.


The Daily Squink 6/11/2007 10:25 PM  

Yay! I can finally do a blog post about this on the Squink!

Congratulations to you and Steener. And to Hannes as well!

You are right to be terrified. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. Pregnancy is pretty easy, now that I look back on it...

Anonymous,  6/12/2007 11:41 AM  

Laurie must be really excited for you b/c she congratulated you over and over!

I'm so excited for you guys. I'm glad that my little girl will have a playmate.

Anonymous,  6/13/2007 6:15 PM  

Ok . . .I don't do this well . . .actually, I don't do this at all, so I have no user id, or password. . . so, this is Jeff's Mom. This is just so cool! So congratulations Steve and Kim . . .I know you will make most wonderful parents . . .of course, you have the ultimate role models in Jeff and Angela . . .but, I could be prejudiced. I am so happy for you both.

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