Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Fever's Bringing Me Down

As you may notice, I'm posting this a little earlier in the day than I normally would on a weekday, and that's because I stayed home from work. I don't feel sick, but I don't feel well. I think I've definitely got a case of the Mondays, but on top of that, I've got a serious case of spring fever.

Almost everyone we know takes regular vacations every year, but, for some reason, this year it's really giving us the yen to take one, too. Therese went to Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago to visit her brother, and is currently now in Orlando for the week visiting her father-in-law (while we're stuck behind cat-sitting for her [which I actually enjoy doing, because I'm weird cat lady]). Laurie is going to be going to Washington, D.C., for Sloan's spring break. Angela and Jeff recently returned from Key West and, I believe, they're currently in San Diego.

Not only do we feel like the only people stuck at home, but the changing weather is also trying to push us out the door. Thankfully, all of the snow from last month's blizzard is almost all gone, with the exception of a few dirty snow piles scattered around, and Stephen just informed me the temperatures are supposed to vary from the forties to the seventies this week. Hallelujah, I just might get motivated to dress in something other than sweatpants and fleece after work in the evenings. Maybe.

Having not taken a trip since our Toronto visit three years ago, Stephen and I are debating on whether to take a little weekend trip somewhere this spring with my upcoming bonus and/or our tax return. At the top of our list is going to New York City...actually, I don't know if there's even still any other options on the list, seeing as Stephen has been doing NYC hotel research like mad the past few days. We originally discussed going to Asheville, NC, because of some great deals Stephen came across, but I sort of shot that idea down since we've been to the Biltmore Mansion before. It's beautiful and I think it'd be great to go, but because we don't have a lot of money to play with, we don't get to take trips very often, so I'd rather go someplace new each time. I suggested doing something low-key, like staying at a bed and breakfast someplace south or in a cabin in Tennessee or even in Brown County (southern Indiana), but Stephen didn't seem too enthused about those ideas. NYC definitely sounds the most appealing to me, since I've been dying to go only for, like, forever and a day, but it's also going to be pretty expensive. We've been pretty money conscious lately, and I find it very difficult to spend money on something frivolous like a trip. Plus, we still have things for the house I'd like to buy, like our last two dining room chairs, a loveseat for the back room, a couple of barstools, or an armoire for our boudoir. On the other hand, I also feel like we need to get away, that it would be seriously good for us to take a break from our mundane lives for a few days. And, for Heaven's sake, WE NEVER EVEN GOT TO TAKE A HONEYMOON. Not that I'm bitter or anything (because what girl wants a stupid honeymoon anyway?!), but I should not feel badly for wanting to take a little road trip somewhere! And, if we can limit the budget of our excursion to just the amount of either my bonus OR our tax return, I can justify that we're still, at least, saving one of the checks and not blowing everything. Man, I am so flippin' good at rationalization. (Is it that obvious I have a serious unexplained guilt complex?)

It was so sad; we went to the Imax theater on Saturday night to see "Night at the Museum." It was a cute movie - a little corny, but definitely good for a family movie - and the theater was really nice. But, oh my Lord, you would have thought we had gone to the opera, with fine dining and dancing beforehand. We kept saying, why don't we do stuff like this more often, this is fun! And, who knew going on a date together would actually still be enjoyable! The last time we went out and did something by ourselves, other than shopping, eating, or hanging out at home, was probably last August when we went to see 311 in concert. It scares me to think how bad we're going to be when we have kids! But, with Stephen working Saturdays (up until recently, he was working Friday evenings and Saturdays), and with trying to be more fiscally responsible (whatever that means), it's easy to not go out and do things. Thank God for friends and family, or else we probably would have become a couple of hermits. (Hermits who like to go out to eat and shop, though.)

Yes, I think it's definitely time to get away and reconnect. Hopefully we'll follow through and, if so, more updates will follow.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 3/12/2007 7:18 PM  

You should go to Hawaii or Paris, I hear its pretty cheap! :P BTW, you have the rest of your life to buy furniture, go and have fun!! How about somewhere on Lake Michigan?

The Daily Squink 3/13/2007 10:34 AM  

You're right, NYC is expensive. We went there a couple years ago for that photo shoot, and beers were $8 and cocktails were $12. In the nice bars, that is. Cheaper if you can find a dive. Or just not drink. We went to dinner with a group of people and the tab came to over $600. Maybe if you stay in Brooklyn and take the subway in, it'd be cheaper?

Jeff and I love staying in cabins in TN. You get beautiful views of the mountains, and you can just buy some supplies at the grocery and spend the weekend in the hot tub. It ends up being a pretty romantic but inexpensive weekend. Plus, you can take your dog (or cats)!

Marmie 3/23/2007 1:57 PM  

The perfect place for romance on a not so high budget is Madison, In. There are 3 well known victorian towns in the USA and Madison is one of those. Joe and I are talking about taking a weekend trip down there again real soon. It's like being in the South without the long drive.

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