Friday, December 08, 2006

Why We Can't Get Anything Done: Part III

Our cat, Sam, has recently developed a taste for water directly out of the faucet. At first, it was really cute, watching him methodically position his head before lapping at the stream of water with his bubblegum pink tongue, and occasionally batting at the water, flinging it everywhere. But now...let's just say I think he's become an addict. Every time I set foot in the bathroom, he somehow senses it and comes in, jumps up on the sink and waits. This wouldn't bother me much, except for the fact that much of the time I go in the bathroom it's because I need to do something at the sink - wash my hands, my face, brush my teeth. It's gotten to the point where I literally have to push him out of the way, and then he tries to push me right back out of his way.

On top of this new attitude he's dishing out, the other two cats have found his addiction to be very intriguing. This leaves me wrestling all three cats just to use the sink for a minute.

We have a dual vanity sink, so you'd think I could use Stephen's, right? Ah, but no - that's the sink Charlie likes to lay in. My life has become so pathetic.


llongoriao 12/08/2006 7:22 PM  

I am new to blogging. I am wishing everyone a "MERRY CHRISTMAS".

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