Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day Out with Thomas

Yesterday was our big Day Out with Thomas event in Connersville with Marmie, Grandfather, Angela, Rowan, and Lydia. It was a scorcher - around 90 degrees and humid - but I, personally, thought it was well worth the misery to see Asher's excitement over seeing Thomas in person. In case you didn't know, Asher has a little bit of an obsession with Thomas - some of that obsession may have been slightly encouraged by his parents who have bought him about a million and one trains and various other Thomas merchandise *ahem* - but I figured, with my luck, we'd get there and he would be terrified of the life-size Thomas train. Thankfully, he was extremely happy to see Thomas, and it was only Sir Topham Hatt that scared him. Whew! They had all sorts of activities for the kiddos - pony rides, a petting zoo, train tables, etc. - and thankfully, Marmie and Grandfather were there to take him around to do the fun things because someone decided he needed to eat and kept Mommy and Daddy sitting in the back of the van for the first half hour that we were there. So, I didn't get to do any of the fun things with Asher, which was a little disappointing, but I'm glad someone was there to help out and make sure he had a good time! The heat was terrible, but I guess it kept any tantrums over leaving at bay - I think we were all ready to go by the end of the train ride.

Here are pictures. (Mostly taken by Marmie since both of our cameras are currently, conveniently, broken, so thanks to Marmie for being photographer for the day!)

Thank you, Marmie and Grandfather, for such a fun day!


Marmie 6/20/2010 8:45 PM  

It was a scorcher, but fun!

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