Monday, August 10, 2009


The Easter Bunny (aka, NeeNee) gave Asher this (pre-)tricycle for Easter. For whatever reason, probably mainly because we're ungrateful bastards, it's mainly just been collecting dust in the garage. Tonight I decided Asher needs to learn to ride it. Why? Because the messes he causes with his crayons, balls, and push toys have become so predictable. He's ready for a new weapon of destruction. And I'm just plain crazy.

He still hasn't fully caught on to pedaling - I think he's perfectly content to have Daddy push him around - and the steering system frustrates him to the point of madness. That's right - about five minutes after this snippet was taken, this angelic, smiling little boy picked up his trike and threw it to the floor because he couldn't figure out how the steering worked. What a lack of patience. This boy is not my son. No, not at all.


Marmie 8/13/2009 6:28 PM  

He looks very pleased!

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