Sunday, July 12, 2009


Asher has been becoming quite affectionate lately. We noticed the other day that he's finally learned what hug means. He's known how to give kisses for a long time, but when we'd ask for a hug, he'd just give us a blank stare. Then one day out of the blue I asked for a hug, and he came over, climbed on my lap facing me, and laid his head on my shoulder. We keep asking him for hugs now and that's what we get - a little baby head on our shoulders. There may be no embrace, but it's sweet enough all on his own.

And the kisses - that's a thing he's been doing on demand - ask for a kiss, and he'll usually (but not always) lean in with his mouth gaping open and tongue hanging out. Tonight, though, during bathtime, he suddenly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me toward him, and kissed ME! Talk about melting my heart! Then he proceeded to kiss me and kiss me and kiss me and kiss me...I think I got a million wet, open-mouthed, sloppy baby kisses and it was WONDERFUL...until the eager kissing turned violent, that is. Soon, he started grabbing my head and forcing his kisses and I don't even think they were kisses, anymore...I'm pretty sure the kissing turned into badgering. The head grabbing was a little too pushy, in my opinion, but I tolerated it. The screaming in my face was kind of funny, so I let it slide. But when he chomped down and bit my puckered lips? I had to draw the line somewhere. Asher, trust me - tongue should be used only in moderation, and teeth are generally a total no-no. If you ever want to keep a girlfriend past the first kiss, you'll listen to your mama on this!


Dawn 7/17/2009 2:26 PM  

Sounds like I need to keep little Emerson away from that Loverboy Asher! :)

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