Monday, March 23, 2009

Why Monitoring Your Child's TV Viewing Is Important

Pay no attention to my messy bedroom, please. It's still in the works. What needs to be seen here is the evidence that if you turn your back for even one minute - just one! - your child could find something totally horrific on the television and want to watch it. Go ahead - click on the picture. Enlarge it!

That's right - I leave the room with Spongebob on. I come back to find Asher, remote in hand, deeply entranced by an episode of Family Matters. It's not surprising that he changed the channel - he is a boy, after all; channel surfing is one of his favorite pastimes. What is shocking is that he found Steve Urkel on BET while flipping through the channels and was so mesmerized by him that he halted his channel surfing and SAT STILL FOR 15 MINUTES - exactly in that position - watching the show until I turned the TV off. The horror!

Here come the nightmares of Asher saying his first words, "Did I do that?"


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 3/24/2009 7:37 PM  

That's awesome! I was totally getting ready to say, did I do that?

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