Monday, March 09, 2009

Baby Steps

Who knew getting the house in order would take SO FRICKIN' LONG?! Geesh, it's driving me crazy. Sometimes I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Granted, I only have about two to three hours an evening to devote to the house, which is rarely uninterrupted and also includes time spent on laundry and general cleaning, but after a month of living here, I wish I could say more than just our flippin' stairway was completely done! But, hey - it's something. No matter how tiny it is, it's still one thing to mark off the list. I hung the final picture this evening. Whew.

My problem is, I don't work on one room until it's finished. I'm a complete scatter-brain; I'll get up to get something from another room, get distracted with another project in the process, and then I'll get distracted with something else, and so on and so's no wonder I never feel like I get anything completely done - it's because I don't! So, who knows what room I'll complete next...Hell, if I can get a room done rather than just a hallway it'll be a miracle.


The Daily Squink 3/10/2009 11:41 AM  

"Are you playing Baby Steps/Big Steps"?

Sorry, I've been listening to way too much YGG...

Marmie 3/15/2009 3:52 PM  

I always have a lot of projects started. No sense keeping good talent stuck in one room. Inspiration comes in fits and starts. Glad to see another member in my club.

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