Monday, January 19, 2009

Interesting Lunch Today

Because I still felt crappy this morning, I went ahead and called in sick to work, just to play it safe.  Being at work is misery enough in itself; I didn't feel like enduring it while feeling sick to my stomach.  Not to mention, when you do go to work sick, everyone gives you a hard time about bringing your germs in.  Of course, when you call in sick, everyone gets pissed off that you called in sick.  You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

By lunchtime, I was feeling much better and stir crazy after having been cooped up in the house since Friday night.  We decided to go out to lunch at Burger King - which, I realize, sounds like a completely absurd choice considering how my digestive system has been since Saturday, but the pros of them having macaroni and cheese for Asher and Stephen having a free whopper coupon for himself seemed to outweigh the con of possibly causing an intestinal blowout for me.  (Okay, it still doesn't make any sense, but my stomach handled it fine, so leave me alone.)

Stephen and I had finished our lunches and I was feeding Asher when a very young woman approached us to inquire about Asher with her 14 month-old daughter.  We chatted while her food was being prepared and Stephen got her a highchair, since she and her daughter were by themselves and she had her hands full.  They sat two booths behind us, but the mom was obviously craving some mom-to-mom conversation, as she kept trying to talk to me from her booth.  At one point, she mentioned that she's only nineteen and, since none of her friends have kids, she doesn't get to get out much anymore.  I felt so bad for her; she was very sweet and eager to talk.  After about fifteen minutes, we decided we should get together for a playdate, since Asher and the little girl seemed to enjoy flirting with each other and neither of the kids are in daycare and get regular interaction with other babies their age.  I gave her my e-mail address, and am now waiting for her to write to me.

Here's the silly thing:  I thought she was a very nice girl and I think it would be great for us to get together for a playdate, but I feel so weird about meeting a potential friend at random at a Burger King.  Seriously, I may as well have just picked up a guy at a sleazy bar!  I am so weird.  Could my attitude have anything at all to do with why I don't have very many friends?!  Now watch, she won't e-mail me, and I'll feel all rejected and used.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 1/20/2009 12:03 AM  

You are a nut! Don't think so much and just go! And btw I won't tell Emerson about Asher's playboy ways!

Marmie 1/21/2009 3:11 PM  

When she got home she probably thought twice about it, also? Meeting in a public place for a few visits would make it easier at first?

Dawn 1/21/2009 8:40 PM  

Emerson doesn't want Asher to have other girl friends!

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