Thursday, September 18, 2008

Has He Suddenly Decided to Be a Typical Kid?

The past couple of days have not been easy days with Asher. Despite my last post - in which, as usual, I completely jinxed myself - regarding Asher easily drinking all of his bottles since we upgraded his bottle nipples, we are having to fight him to drink his bottles. Yes, we were having to fight him before, but the fight has become even more intense. A little playtime does not make him more open to finishing his beverage. He doesn't just blow raspberries at it anymore. He twists and arches his back and cries and swats the bottle away. UGH. Granted, after some pleading and coaxing, I was able to get him to drink three out of four bottles today, but it was HARD work. I think I lost three years off of my life expectancy just from today's bottle battles.

And, our little guy no longer wants to be a good eater, either. Used to be, he'd eat just about anything. Now he doesn't even want carrots or sweet potatoes or squash, which are his favorite non-fruit foods. I read that this is normal, that kids go through phases in which they're very picky or don't want to eat. One suggestion was to allow Baby to help in the feeding process. I was very apprehensive about this; I knew the mess that would be involved. But, once the crying and the fighting and the swatting of the spoon began, I decided to give it a try. I stripped him down to Diaper Baby, let him stick his fingers in the food and smear it all over the tray and his face, and even let him hold the spoon. All this he did. WHILE CRYING. I finally gave up on the food I wanted him to eat and gave him something I knew he'd eat: fruity yogurt and fruity cereal. I was frustrated he wasn't eating the well-balanced meal I'd thoughtfully prepared, but apparently there's a limit to the amount of carrots you can have flung at you, and then it's just like f**k it, here's some damn yogurt!

There are many, many days in which I feel heartbroken that he's growing so quickly. Today was not one of those days. Today was totally an aren't-you-at-least-ten-yet? day.


Dawn 9/20/2008 9:00 AM  

I wonder if he's teething? I have heard that babies may refuse a bottle or food if their teeth hurt.

The Daily Squink 9/21/2008 12:06 PM  

I think that photo says it all. Even though I feel your pain, I'm laughing!

You're right – it can be so frustrating sometimes! You just want to yell "Just eat it already!"

Kim 9/22/2008 8:16 AM  

I have heard that, too, Dawn, and have wondered the same thing.

As a follow up, he's back to normal with eating and drinking his bottles. I'm sure we'll encounter more rough patches, but life is so much less stressful when you don't have to worry about them not eating. Argh.

Marmie 9/22/2008 5:38 PM  

It's amazing that I had perfect children. They ALWAYS ate everything I ever gave them. Old age is remarkable, my memory is very selective!

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