Thursday, July 31, 2008

No Sleep for the Weary

Is he teething? Is he hot? Is he cold? Is he hungry? Did he have a bad dream? DOES HE JUST WANT TO TORMENT US TO THE POINT OF INSANITY?!

I don't know what the reason is, but Asher has been having a horrible time staying asleep at night lately.

He was a nearly perfect sleeper once we started putting him to sleep in his crib a month and a half ago. Then he had his vaccinations a couple of weeks ago. And then he had a cold. And ever since, his sleeping hasn't been the same. And neither has ours.

All this week (with the exception of Saturday night when we were away from home - GO FIGURE, he slept like baby - like our old baby, the one who'd sleep through the night) he has been waking up around 4:00 - sometimes earlier - and it's been taking a good 1/2 hour to an hour to get him to go back to sleep. Since Stephen is Mr. Mom these days, he's been awesome about getting up to take care of him. However, with the baby monitor still on, I can still hear the crying and sense Stephen's frustration. Forever plagued with a guilty conscience, I groggily drag myself out of bed and to Asher's room to see if I can help. I'll try rocking him, holding him, singing to him, changing his diaper, bribing him with a new car when he turns sixteen, but he cannot be fully consoled. So then I start throwing a sleepy stupor tantrum about how I can't live like this, how I have to get up in an hour, how the lack of sleep is KILLING me! Oh, the horror, the absolute horror! Then Stephen sends me back to bed while, being the gentleman he is, restraining himself from physically pushing me out of the room.

Anyway, we aren't sure what's going on with this restless baby of ours. But God, PLEASE DEAR LORD, help us figure it out. SOON. I had a strong urge to run over a bicyclist today because he was in my way and was wearing really dorky shorts. The lack of sleep probably isn't killing me, but it may kill someone else.


Dawn 8/01/2008 7:47 AM  

I've had people tell me that their baby slept like an angel for the first six months and then they wouldn't sleep anymore. Luckily, Emerson didn't sleep until she was 6 or 7 months old so now she's a good sleeper (well, except she won't sleep in).

Go ahead and hit a will make you feel better!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 8/01/2008 11:25 AM  

Maybe a bath every night before bed, letting him cry a bit, showtunes, a puppetshow? You poor thing that's the darn thing about babies they never tell you what they want! Hang in there! I say take your aggression out on a co-worker though, not an innocent badly dressed bicyclist, it would make for a funnier blog posting!

The Daily Squink 8/01/2008 4:01 PM  

Don't worry, you'll figure it out. Some advice that I got through Sarah through her mom was "With babies, right after you've got them figured out, something changes and you have to start all over again." I found that was true with Rowan. Things throw a wrench in (teething, developmental milestones, changed routine, etc.) and you have to adapt all over again. It's very frustrating!

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