Friday, May 16, 2008

Starting the Real Yummers

Asher had his four month checkup on Monday, during which we were given the OK to go ahead and start him on food. And so far, he sure does love his Cool Ranch Doritos and Red Pop.

We were given a feeding guide from our doctor which suggested we begin with cereal, then try orange colored veggies, fruit, and then eventually meat. We've already started him on cereal, so we tried carrots on Tuesday. He didn't seem to care for them much, but tolerated them without a fit. Today, I gave him some pears. He actually seemed to like these; that is, after the initial shock of tartness in each bite passed. In the below picture, Stephen was able to capture the tail end of his puckered-up face.

We also found out that Asher is up to 15 pounds 8 ounces and is 25 inches long, which both are still in the 50th percentile. My boy is taking after his mama already - AVERAGE! Of course, though, he's ranked in the 90th percentile for cuteness. DUH. He had to have another round of shots, unfortunately, but he only screamed momentarily and the only side effects were grumpiness the next day.

Asher was very happy to learn he gets to skip a month from the doctor; he won't be going back until his six month checkup. That is, of course, unless he gets sick, and I'm pretty sure he is on his way. Stephen has been ill and grumpy with a cold/flu thing for the past several days, and now Asher is beginning to sneeze and cough and he felt a little warm when I put him to bed tonight. Ugh. Am I able to care for a sick baby?


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 5/17/2008 12:37 PM  

OMG, he looks like a big boy in this picture! What the heck is going on? He is absolutely darling!!

Dawn 5/17/2008 9:23 PM  

I was going to make the same comment as Laurie!

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