Friday, February 15, 2008

Romance? What's That?

Stephen and I have never done much in the past to celebrate Valentine's Day. I don't know, there's something so false about the holiday - don't get me wrong, I love getting presents and going out to dinner and all that, but it's really never been a big deal to me. For some strange reason, Stephen has always been okay with me being low maintenance on V-Day. Hm. Even with that being said, we hit an all time low this year in celebrating the day.

We ate sloppy joes and french fries for dinner. I ate in the pajamas I was still wearing from the night before. No make up, hair unkempt (how else?) - I'm not even sure I'd brushed my teeth. I did, however, take a shower before I went to bed. I just didn't think it'd be fair for Stephen to have to go to bed with a stinky wife on Valentine's Day. Not that we'd be doing anything in bed, anyway, but still.

It was all good, though; Asher Bug was more than enough of a reminder of our love for each other. A very poopy, squawking, exhausting reminder. He actually was a very sweet baby yesterday, spending the majority of the day napping and, when awake, was in a fairly good mood. I took the below picture of him after our morning nap together. This was when I told him he could be my Valentine this year, because he sure knows the way to my heart. Sleep. That was the best gift ever. The two massive poopy diapers he gave me later that evening were just icing on the cake.


Barr/Wright Pictures 2/16/2008 12:55 PM  

I Love your baby Kim! He is so adorable! I wish I had a sweet Valentine like him...wait a second...Wyatt is sweet! Miss u guys!

The Daily Squink 2/17/2008 10:51 AM  

Man, he really loves that pacifier! I think maybe the paci is his valentine.

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 2/17/2008 1:16 PM  

Just wait Kim, you're sooo never going to get any sleep again, this weekend I took Sloan to a birthday party, to volleyball practice, had to make arrangements for someone to take her to her volleyball game because I'm the cookie mom for girl scouts, pick up 1500 boxes of cookies, arrange them so the girls could pick them up, take Sloan to a friend's for a sleep over, make soup for the Scout Liturgy at church and spend all day today waiting for everyone to pick up the cookies piled up in my living room. I don't know but right now I'd kill for a poopie diaper!! Your life will never be the same, but funny thing is you wouldn't change it for the world and you certainly wouldn't do any of these things for anyone but your baby!!! Luckily Asher being so flippin cute has got to make it easier!!! (;

Kim 2/17/2008 3:17 PM  

You are so right, Laurie. I know I whine a lot - I'm horrible at adjusting to change - but I wouldn't trade having Asher for the world.

Um, cookies??? I could use some cookies! Let me know when we can come pick ours up!!!

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