Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pros & Cons of Being Sick with a Cold


  1. Staying home from work.

  2. Not feeling guilty for calling in to work because this time I really was "that" sick.

  3. That almost-drunk feeling the first hour after taking cold medicine.

  4. For once, having a legitimate excuse to whine and cry.

  5. Sleeping all day with the kitties.

  6. Being waited on hand and foot.

  7. The appreciation for the simple act of breathing I obtain during that first hour after taking cold medicine before my sinuses plug back up.

  8. Not feeling obligated to shower, get dressed, put on make-up, or brush my hair.

  9. Sympathy from others.

  10. I am "allowed" to eat in bed.


  1. The fact that the cold medicine says to take it every four hours, but in actuality I only get congestion relief for one of those four hours. The other three hours are spent blowing my nose in vain while watching the clock for the fourth hour to strike so I can get another measely hour of having the ability to breathe through my nose, the way God intended.

  2. That feeling I get from cold medicine, where I still can't breathe because the medicine is crap and for some reason it also makes me feel like I'm trying to swallow my tongue.

  3. Not being able to use most cold medicines that have lasting decongestion effects longer than an hour due to being very sensitive to such medications and their overwhelming "medicine head" side effects, which feel almost worse than the sickness, itself. The feeling that I'm swallowing my tongue is mild in comparison to laying in bed nauseous because the room won't quit spinning.

  4. Husband starts avoiding me and has been caught rolling his eyes due to said whining and crying.

  5. Sleeping all day with three kitties who don't care that I'm sick and may not want to be a junglegym on which to play and climb.

  6. Daytime tv. It sucks balls. Large balls.

  7. Feeling exhausted and sore from sleeping all day.

  8. That dried, cakey feeling I get in my mouth from breathing through it.

  9. Waking up in the middle of the night in a pool of drool and snot from breathing through my mouth because my nose is clogged, yet draining...and then also finding a used tissue tangled in my hair.

  10. If I do get wild and crazy and choose to leave the bedroom (as I have done in order to write this post), I have to drag around with me: a big box of Puffs with lotion, my bottle of water (mouth breathing dries your throat), my jar of Mentholatum ointment (so to avoid an embarrassing chapped, red nose & upper lip), and my snot can (a trash can designated just for my piles of used tissues).


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 4/05/2007 7:39 PM  

I'm sorry you don't feel well...but I'm still mad at you, I tried to surprise you, I came to your work to take you out to lunch because I missed you!! :P Hope you're feeling better soon!!

Kim 4/05/2007 8:12 PM  

Tati told me you stopped by when I called in this afternoon. That was so nice of you, I'm sorry I missed you!

The Daily Squink 4/06/2007 9:34 AM  

Mouth breather!

Sorry you're feeling po'ly, Miss Kimmy. I'm sure you'll be up and at em in no time! You HAVE to, because Saturday is the biggest candy eating day of the year!

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