Friday, January 05, 2007

I Hate Sick

Apparently, there's this intestinal bug that's going around that I was unaware of until yesterday morning when - lucky me - I started showing symptoms that I'd caught it. Wednesday was my first day back to work from a week and a half break I'd taken for the holidays, so even though I felt a little icky yesterday morning, I figured I'd better sack up and go in anyway. Let's just say things progressed negatively, and I ended up leaving at noon. Throughout the evening, my condition continued to worsen and around 10 p.m. I decided I must be dying. I left what I'm sure is a pretty pathetic message at 2:15 a.m. on my boss' voicemail telling him I wouldn't be in today, which probably left him thinking, "TMI!" At 3:30 a.m. I finally fell asleep and then awoke around 6:30 to overwhelming nausea (which I'm sure you can guess what that led to). I napped for a few hours this morning and actually awoke feeling quite a bit better. So, maybe I'll make it after all! I'm still only eating Jell-O and Saltines, washed down with Powerade and Sprite, but this "diet" has thus far been keeping my nausea away. (Knock on wood.)

Anyway, I'm publishing this "poor me" post because: (a) I thought it would be quite a funny follow up to my last posting about the new year (I really know how to start off the new year on a positive note!); (b) I wanted to forewarn all of you (the whopping two or three people who occasionally glance at this!) about this bug so you can arm and protect yourself, *melodramatic tone* as I didn't find out about it until it was too late; (c) being confined to my bed for 24 hours straight has not been fun for the mind, body, or spirit, and I needed a break. I just don't know how the grandparents on Willy Wonka supposedly spent all those years in bed...


Jeff 1/05/2007 7:06 PM  

Hey, I'm one of the three people who read your blog.

I've never commented before but with this post I felt a comment was necessary.

Nice use of the term "sack up"

The Daily Squink 1/05/2007 7:11 PM  

Hey, I had that same thing. Last year at Christmas.

Did you by any chance to go Target the day before? I swear, touching the handle on the carts there is a sure-fire method for getting an intestinal bug.

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