Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Don't Know How I Lived Without It For So Long

I really, really hate to admit this, because for the longest time I was against this whole, stupid thing. I thought it was the new fad among teenagers, and anyone older than nineteen or not living in a dorm room was weird for having one. How self-centered you must be! What on earth could you possibly have to say? Do you really think you're so interesting that people other than yourselves are going to read it?

Oh, silly, silly, silly me. I really should have known better. I'm notorious for catching onto things about two lightyears after everyone else does, which is approximately two months before society decides to completely throw that to the curb and move onto the next big thing. Cycle repeats, and I'm always left almost in the dark. For instance, take flare-legged pants. The first couple of years those came back in style, I was totally anti-flare. Ugh, that's so 1970s, I would never wear those! Then one day out of the blue I decided I needed new jeans, and not just any jeans. FLARE-LEGGED JEANS. And now what? SKINNY pants are in?! Yuck! That's soooooo '80s! I'll never wear skinny jeans again! (Or at least not for two years after the rest of you start wearing them.) Or, take my feelings on Norah Jones. For the longest time, I could not stomach her. Actually, it wasn't really about her - I always thought she had a nice voice and I definitely liked her style of music, but I got so sick of her. Everyone I knew loved her. Every other song on the radio was one of hers. It seemed like every movie had a song or two of hers on its soundtrack. Enough already, I hate you, go away! This past week I suddenly heard one of her songs and thought, this is really good, I'm going to like her now. And that's how I am. I can hate something one minute, and the very next minute something about it will strike me in a different way for some reason and I'll just start loving it out of nowhere and will be loyal to it until the very end. I'm not fickle; I'm just very cautious about getting involved in things.

Anyway, back to the thing I hate to admit: Blogging - what I once stuck my nose up at, now I'm addicted to. It's up there now with Sudoku. The inner craving I have for that game I blame completely on my mother-in-law, who taught me how to play it last year and then proceeded to let me borrow her Nintendo DS for two weeks so the addiction would have plenty of time to take hold on my soul. Now blogging has sunk its claws into me, too. I have to blame this craze on Angela & Jeff, who casually mentioned back in October they thought I should start one. One? How about two??

Yep, last weekend I started another one. Just what I need! Seriously, I have what I'd call a VERY boring life; boring in a good and happy way, but boring nonetheless and definitely nothing to write about. A 90 year-old woman who hasn't left the nursing home in 20 years probably could have a more interesting blog than mine. And now I think I need two? I've completely lost it, I know.

Stephen's been working a TON the past couple of weeks, so I get bored and need things to occupy my time (you know, pointless things, because heaven forbid I use this time to clean or go grocery shopping). I've been going through all our pictures from the past few years and thought, maybe I'll start a blog that's photo-based. Because, hey, who DOESN'T want to look at a million pictures of my cats and my niece?! I've added a link to my new blog, Picture Pages, under "Special Links." It's sort of false advertising listing it under that category, because the only way it qualifies as "special" is in the short-bus way, but it made the most sense to stick it under there than anywhere else.

Do I really think I'm so interesting that people other than myself are going to read this? No, but I guess walking around the house talking to myself just isn't satisfying enough anymore. Now I've become so desperate I have to talk to myself in writing on the internet AND post pictures of my cats on a separate site so I can have TWO "fulfilling" projects to tend.

Actually, the realization finally dawned on me not long ago that having these blogs, at least for me, is not about other people reading them. It's about having a place for me to document my life, my feelings, and, yes, my cat pictures. If someone does happen to read this and check out my cat pictures, and retrieve any sort of amusement or insight (HA!) in doing so, then that's just an added bonus. A gift with purchase, if you will. Speaking of which, I need to go shopping. I want to get a Norah cd and I need a new pair of jeans. No skinny-legged ones, though. I'm not quite ready for that just yet.


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