Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Oh Boy, We're Getting a Nephew!

We found out yesterday from their blog that Jeff and Angela are having a boy. It's crazy how just knowing the gender makes it seem so much more real - like, before it was just a thing, but now it's a real person growing in there. I guess this is probably because we can start referring to him as a "he" instead of as an "it," which just made it sound like she's pregnant with a robot or alien. (Of course, it doesn't help that Jeff likes to refer to the baby by the names of "Cylon" and, most commonly, "Tiberius.")

We are so very excited for them, but we're also excited for us. Stephen is looking very forward to finally getting to venture out of the little girls' department, where I seem to have spent a lot of time over the past three years for Ella. I'm a sucker for tiny baby dresses, but I think I can have fun picking out khakis, button-down shirts and sweater vests, too.

It seemed wrong for me to post their ultrasound picture on here, but they have it posted on their blog if you would like to see our unborn nephew!


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