Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmastime Was Here

Yet another Christmas has come and gone. My house is messy and cluttered with new stuff waiting to be put away. My waistline is overflowing from ample feasting. I'm exhausted from Christmas shopping, wrapping, cleaning, traveling, packing, unpacking, and visiting with people. One would think I'd be happy this crazy holiday is over.

Instead, I feel much like I do every year: a little empty and lost. The anticipation and excitement is over. The pretty Christmas lights that break up the dark cold nights have already begun to disappear off of people's houses. Yes, the worrying over what to buy people has ended, but with that distraction gone just means the old important worries will return.

But, I suppose this just proves that we did have a wonderful Christmas, for if we hadn't I'd be happy it's all over. We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with my family. On the evening of the 26th, Stephen's family came over for a gift exchange and dinner. We received many thoughtful gifts, but we mostly enjoyed getting to spend time with our families. I've posted our pictures here if you'd like to take a looksy.

In the meantime, I guess I'll just join Ella in the long, long wait for Christmastime to return.


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