Asher Freaks Out the Ladies...AGAIN
Asher was absolutely fascinated with Kayleigh, but he's definitely got a lot of learning to do when it comes to how to treat women. First off, SHARE YOUR TOYS, Asher. He didn't fuss at all when she'd try to play with his toys; no, he'd just toddle over to her and YANK them right out of her hands. Or, he'd use the even more subtle tactic of simply pushing her out of the way. Granted, he's not used to being around other kids, but apparently Kayleigh isn't, either, and she was just as sweet as pie, not only sharing her toys, but also not crying when Asher would take them away from her. Second, TAKE IT SLOWLY IN THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT, Asher. He was in her poor little face nearly the entire time; if he wasn't stealing her toys or pushing her, he was hugging her, kissing her, grabbing her, pulling her down, or even tackling her. That's right - my son knocked her down and climbed up on her at least twice. She was a pretty good sport, though; much more tolerant than I would have been. I really, really hope he gets some better manners by the time prom rolls around.
I learned from hanging out with Kayleigh for a few hours that what everyone tells me seems to be true: boys and girls are different. I couldn't get over how calm she was; she would sit and play with one toy for a couple of minutes, would sit on my lap without squirming, would come when you called her name, was extremely gentle with everything. Asher, on the other hand, is like a constant ball of motion. He's grabby, rough, wiggly, squirmy, always on the go and busy trying to climb things. He's too busy most of the time to pay any attention to us when we call for him, and play with just one toy for longer than two seconds? That's crazy talk! Any time I've complained about this to other people, I typically get the same "oh well he's just being a boy!" response. Before, that really meant nothing to me. But, if Kayleigh is a good example of how most girl babies are, then yeah...I guess they are different.
Asher had a great visit with everyone, aside from the fact that he wouldn't go near my dad for most of the time. Maybe if it's not another seven months before we see Grandpa and Grandma again, he'll warm up to Grandpa sooner. Asher did wear his motorcycle jammies just for Grandpa, though, so Grandpa shouldn't feel too slighted. Hopefully, Kayleigh will forget how handsy Asher is and will be agreeable to another date in the near future. She wasn't totally miserable around him, though - as you can see in the below picture, she not only let Asher kiss her goodnight, but she actually enjoyed it. In fact, she let him lick/kiss her cheek many times before we finally pulled him off of her.
(Oh, and about the picture above: everyone was waving bye bye. Grandma and Grandpa probably won't be too happy about the silly picture of them, but hey, sorry - the kids look cute. Plus, it's the best group picture I was able to get of everyone. Darn babies and their great skill at being uncooperative during picture time...)
(Oh, and about the picture above: everyone was waving bye bye. Grandma and Grandpa probably won't be too happy about the silly picture of them, but hey, sorry - the kids look cute. Plus, it's the best group picture I was able to get of everyone. Darn babies and their great skill at being uncooperative during picture time...)
He's obviously learned from the master.
At least he kisses with his eyes closed. And, isn't she a beautiful baby?
Asher acted the same way around Rowan, too. He was a little put off by it, but I'm sure he forgives his favorite cousin.
I like Kayleigh's jammies.
Poor Asher, rejected by Emerson and now this!
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