Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Townhome in Need of New Owners

As of late last week, our house is officially on the market.

I'm sad, I'll be honest, but in some ways I'm excited. I'm hoping that with getting rid of this house, we'll be able to free up money to allow for other things, things like me quitting my job so I can stay at home with Asher Bug. Things like our sanity. I love our house, and it has sentimental value to me because it was our first house. But, it never really felt like home and I was never 100% happy with the layout of the downstairs. Plus, there's the ridiculous association fees, no yard, and the fact that being attached to three other units never fully let us shake that apartment feeling.

So even though we've upgraded our family, this is going to be the year of downsizing. I plan on selling or getting rid of a lot of the clutter. I want to find a smaller place, something cozy and homey. I want to simplify. This is the year of my letting go.

It could also be the year I have my first nervous breakdown?


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 5/13/2008 11:53 PM  

Oh we have to celebrate after your breakdown, the other breakdowns will be much easier after the first!!! Motherhood does that to you! Hang in there!!

Marmie 5/15/2008 2:06 PM  

YEA, I'm excited for Asher!!!!


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