Monday, January 22, 2007

The Genius of Premature Shopping

I am so excited. Yesterday I bought my first piece of baby clothing.

Before you start freaking out (Mom, and I'm talking to both of you), no, I'm not pregnant. But you know, God willing, one day I will be. I hear pregnancy can be a very stressful time of a woman's life. The more shopping I do now, the less shopping I'll have to do then, which will be less added stress on me. And, babies are also very stressful on the pocketbook. Stocking up ahead of time will even the financial blow a bit. Besides that, how many times in my life have I been scolded for my sweet procrastination skills? Numbers go on for infinity; I've been scolded that many times plus one. All I'm trying to do is overcome my problem - after all, they say the first step to recovery is admitting you have one.

I have sweet procrastination skills and sweet rationalizing skills.

Truth be told, I saw this little sleeper yesterday and couldn't resist. But really, it wasn't that easy. When I first picked it up, I felt all warm and squishy inside at the thought of buying it. But as I approached the register, my heart started pounding and I began to reconsider. Seriously, buying baby clothes? That implies we're planning to have a baby one of these days. Not buying it would be much safer: it wouldn't imply we're planning on having one, but it wouldn't imply we weren't planning on having one, either. I like safe. I like having all my options open. But, wild and crazy me, I forced myself to buy it, almost as if to prove a point to myself.

Another skill I've perfected throughout the years is incredible indecisiveness. Again, I'm just trying to better myself.

Honestly? I'm happy I bought it. The more I look at it the more excited I get. As corny as it sounds, it's not just baby clothing: it's a tangible symbol of our planned future life together. And that's pretty thrilling, if you ask me.


The Daily Squink 1/23/2007 6:16 PM  

When I first saw the photo, I was like, "Awww, Kim bought a sleeper for Tiberius!" Because, as you know, it's all about ME.

You forgot to mention the REAL reason you bought this, though. It's because it's a Calvin Klein sleeper!

Kim 1/23/2007 6:30 PM  

My future child has one sleeper. Tiberius has about three outfits in Aunt Kimmie's closet right now. I guess it is all about YOU!

Nothing comes between my baby and its Calvins. Except maybe a diaper.

Anonymous,  1/23/2007 8:08 PM  

After reading your blog its official we are twins separated by birth oh and 8 years!!! I'm very happy you're so excited.


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