Thursday, October 26, 2006

Jeff & Angela Are Reproducing!

This has been a great month for the Barr family - first Adam returns home from the war, and then we find out a new family member is on the way!

According to their blog, they're officially out of the closet with their big news, so I'm now free to declare our excitement: we just found out two weeks ago that Stephen's sister, Angela, and her husband, Jeff, are going to have their first baby! They are due at the end of April, so they're just over three months along. It was hilarious when they told us - I, of course, was ecstatically hugging poor Angela and squealing like a little girl, while Stephen pouted because they waited "so long" to tell us. You know, because it's all about us; how dare we not be the first to know! Seriously, though, I can't think of better people to be breeding: between Angela's creativity, fabulous sense of style and good looks, and Jeff's intelligence, wit and great sense of humor, this is going to be one practically perfect child. Oh yeah, and I suppose they'll do a "satisfactory" job of parenting, too!

Okay, back to it being all about us: we're going to get another niece or nephew! Really, the congratulations should be going to us. We are going to be an awesome aunt and uncle.


The Daily Squink 10/27/2006 6:54 PM  

Kim and Steve, you WILL be the most awesome aunt and uncle, that's for sure. I can tell by the way you are with little Ella. I just hope you haven't used up all the good stuff on her...

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