Monday, October 30, 2006

I Want Cookies for Dinner

Not everyone is privileged enough to have Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz bake Halloween cookies with you, but Saturday was my lucky day. Okay, so it's actually Ella in her new Halloween costume. She informed us that she wanted to be Dorothy because she wanted to be a kitty. I'm not quite sure what that means, but who am I to question her reasoning? I was just happy that she was kind enough to model her costume for me, since I won't get to see her on Halloween. There are a few more pictures of Ella here if you so wish to view them.

We had a ton of fun visiting with little Miss Ella, along with my sister, mom and step-dad. Mom got to break in my new KitchenAid mixer that was recently given to me by my favorite mother-in-law, while I busied myself with cutting out the cookies. Ella had the most difficult task of all - licking the spatula and eating the broken cookies. She was determined to fulfill her duties to the best of her abilities - when asked what she wanted for dinner, she declared, "I want cookies for dinner!" Who doesn't?


Anonymous,  10/31/2006 12:14 PM  

She wouldn't wear her costume last night! She threw an enormous fit (a result of waking from her nap to cousin, Taylor, dressed up as Spiderman and jumping on the bed) and would have nothing to do with her costume or trick-or-treating. Hopefully things will go more smoothly tonight!

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