Friday, July 31, 2009

The Battle (One of Them, At Least)

I sometimes feel like we have no routine or schedule in place, but I've just realized we actually have a very strict routine, one to which we adhere almost too well: Parents clean, Baby messes; Parents clean, Baby messes; Parents clean, Baby messes. Get the point? Every evening either during Asher's nighttime snack or after he goes to bed, I pick up all the toys, arrange all the books in nice piles, stand up the knocked-over picture frames, put away all the food from the pantry he's moved to the coffee table...basically, I try to make it look like the Tazmanian Devil hasn't been kicking the house's ass all day long.

And then I come home from a long day at work and I do a double take and - WOW - I must really have been high the night before because I SWEAR I picked all this stuff up! I mean, same messes, same locations - it's eerie. Stephen took these pictures yesterday of the perpetrator in action.


The Daily Squink 8/03/2009 10:58 AM  

Hey, the boy has a job to do! You'd notice if he wasn't doing it every day, wouldn't you?

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