Now that he's a year old, we're trying to bump up his lifestyle to be a little less babyish. Yesterday, we turned around the car seat. He seems very happy about this, and I can't say I blame him. It had to be awfully boring staring at the seat of the car all this time, and he had grown to the point where his feet were touching the seat, so I think he was beginning to get cramped in that position. Now that he's facing the front, we can also move the car seat to the middle of the backseat, so I think he'll be safer should we ever be T-boned by another car. I know it's going to sound lame, but I've actually sat in the backseat with him ever since he was born. I got in the habit of doing this when he was a newborn so that if he got fussy I could console him, and I guess I just never grew out of it. With him facing front, I am now moving myself back up to the passenger seat of the car - hallelujah! I figure if he can face the front, he can see us and outside the car, and that should keep him entertained. If not, well, buddy, join the club. Riding in the car can just be boring, you'll have to get used to it.
One year also marks the point in which we can switch him off formula and on to whole milk. I'm really not concerned with this too much; getting him to sit still and drink a bottle has been an on-again, off-again battle for months now. I don't think he'll miss it much, but I don't feel comfortable just yanking him off of it cold turkey. This is probably more for my comfort level than his; after all, eliminating bottle time is pretty disruptive to the schedule we've been following for months and months. Mommy and Daddy need time to establish and grow comfortable with a new routine. So, he was getting four bottles a day; now he's down to three. Over the next month or two, we'll just keep cutting down bottles until there are none left. Asher will probably be thrilled.
His one-year appointment with Dr. Timmons is tomorrow afternoon. I'm looking forward to seeing what his weight and height are up to, and finding out how he's developing in comparison to her standards. Unfortunately, he is due for some blasted vaccinations. He hasn't received any since his six-month appointment, so I'm pretty scared to witness his reaction to the shots now that he's older. I'm sure he'll be the best little trooper; it's just Mommy who's the big baby about such things.
Happy birthday, my little Asher Bug. This year has been crazy and turned upside-down in so many different ways, but I can honestly say that, because of you, it's been the best year of my life. You have made me a better person and have shown me what's truly important in life. You have my heart wrapped around that little finger of yours, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so looking forward to your second year and watching you blossom even more into a handsome little boy.
(December photos)
Happy birthday to the best baby I could have ever wished for.
Happy birthday, Asher! You are the cutest almost-twin cousin our little Rowan could possibly have!
Actually, we still have Rowan facing backwards in the van, and he seems to be fine with it. It's much more reclined, and he can sleep easier, plus our doctor was very adamant about us keeping him backwards for as long as possible for safety reasons. He faces forwards in the VW, and although he can see the trucks easier that way, he also thinks it's easier to cry at us to get our attention! Whatever!
Isn't it funny how magically at 1 year, they can all of a sudden start drinking milk and eating honey?
Rowan now cries really bad every time we go to the doctor, because he thinks he's going to get some shots, whether he's actually scheduled for them or not. I hope Asher doesn't end up with the same phobia!
Happy B-day Asher! He put on quite a show for us on Saturday! What a smiley baby he was! Sloan would also like Asher's and Rowan's grandma to adopt her. I on the other hand couldn't get over how sexy Stephen's dad looked in his kitty cat shirt!! Thanks for inviting us, we had lots of fun!
Emerson is the same as Rowan with the car seat. We finally turned her around in my car, but in Jim's car, she still faces the back...she still manages to cry in both cars when things don't go her way!
Happy birthday Asher!
He did look like Renee! Asher is the sweetest little bug that ever drew breath!!!!!
Sloan, you're mine!
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