Sunday, December 14, 2008

Could He Be Developing an Attention Span?

Today, Asher has been a very busy boy. He played with his counting turtle, his musical popping ball train, his cars, and even did a little rearranging of his kitchen junk drawer.

In other words, he entertained himself.

No, I'm not kidding - he played, pretty much by himself, all morning and afternoon. He let me eat breakfast, he let me eat lunch, he let me watch a tiny bit of television, he let me feed the cats, he let me make his meals, he let me vacuum - all without fussing and being underfoot or begging to be picked up. And, he played with toys. For more than two minutes! He pushed around his turtle for a good twenty minutes, and when he was done with that, he played with his choo choo for another twenty minutes. Toys! Playing with them! Crazy!

So see? Asher does need toys for Christmas, Stephen.

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