Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Waving? Flailing?

Here's my first picture of Asher "waving." No one was coming or going, no one was waving at him, so it's unclear whether this was a true wave, but he had his one little arm up, waving like there was no tomorrow. I personally think he was just working on perfecting his politician's wave. The upcoming election is obviously evoking great inspiration in that little mind of his. And just look at that determined face. I'd totally vote for him.

But Asher has waved. Once, at least. It was on Sunday, and we were leaving the restaurant at which we'd just dined with my parents. We'd strapped Asher in his car seat, and NeeNee was standing behind the car trying to entertain him through the rear window. She started waving at him, and he started waving back. It was clearly intentional and not just one of his bouts of crazy flailing.

Of course, he hasn't waved so clearly again since then. Stephen held him up at the door when I was leaving for work one day, and he was trying to get him to wave, and I think he maybe sort of did, but it's questionable. And, like today, he will sometimes start waving for no apparent reason. So, I guess this means he can wave, but doesn't necessarily understand the meaning behind it?

What's really silly is that I'm sitting here dissecting the intentions behind a 9 1/2 month-old's actions. If the boy doesn't grow up thinking he's a rock star, it'll be a miracle.


Marmie 10/15/2008 7:10 PM  

Was "baby psy" your major?

The Daily Squink 10/15/2008 7:20 PM  

Wow, his face is REALLY intent in that photo.

Anonymous,  10/15/2008 8:45 PM  

Maybe he WILL be a Rockstar! Maybe he isn't perfecting his politician's wave maybe he is just waving saying "No autographs, please!"

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