Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Day at the Zoo

Today was so much fun. I took the day off work. We got to spend time with my mom, Bob, Jamie, and Ella. We got to see a bunch of animals we don't see every day. Asher was in very good spirits the entire time, even with no naps. I remembered to put sunscreen on and managed to not get burned. I remembered to put sunscreen on Asher and he didn't get burned.

I spent close to an hour packing our bag for the day, and miraculously only forgot a few things. Of course, they couldn't have been minor things, like gum or hand lotion. No, if I'm going to forget something, I'm going to forget something. The first discovery was no juice. I brought two sippy cups, but no juice. Smart one. No big deal, though, since Asher really doesn't drink much juice. A half hour later I realize - huh - I remembered the formula, the bottles, and even plastic baggies in which to warm the water, but didn't remember one of the little venting pieces that goes with our Dr. Brown's bottles. And, of course, you can't use the bottles without the venting system, else you'll have quite the mess on your hands (and on your baby). So poor NeeNee and Aunt Jamie ran next door to the Walgreens and bought two bottles, bottle brushes, and dish soap so we could wash them in the Wendy's restaurant. There's nothing more sanitary than washing baby bottles in a Wendy's bathroom! Alright, so I got over that minor setback (thanks Mom!), we finally got to the zoo, and all was right with the world. I'm taking pictures - so excited to be using my new camera and even more excited that I actually remembered my camera for once! - when halfway through the ocean exhibit I realize THERE IS NO MEMORY CARD INSIDE THE CAMERA. Shit! Shit! Shit! F%&@ing shit! Luckily, Jamie and Mom had their cameras, but still...I'M PISSED! How is it that, no matter what, EVERY time we go someplace, I ALWAYS forget something. I can spend all day packing, can even make a checklist, but there will still be at least one thing I forget. IT NEVER FAILS.

All in all, though, the day went really well and we all had a great time. I think Asher enjoyed his first outing to the zoo. He was a wonderful boy the whole time, and it was so much fun watching him take everything in. I think his favorite part was the ocean exhibit, with all of the fast-moving colorful fish, sharks, penguins, dolphins, and sea lions. The grown-ups liked the plains animals the best - the giraffes, lions, elephants, tigers - you know, your typical big men on campus. We also liked getting to see the koalas, who are there only for a limited time, but we weren't extremely impressed because they were fast asleep. Ella, on the other hand, seemed most fascinated by Asher's stroller. Aunt Kimmie, can I push the stroller? How about now? Can I push Baby Asher? NOW? CAN I PUSH IT, PLEEEAAASE AUNT KIMMIE?! It didn't even matter if Baby Asher wasn't in the stroller, as long as she could push it. So, it's hard telling what her favorite animals were, but I can definitely tell you which part of the zoo was her least favorite: the petting zoo. She made it about halfway through and decided there would be hell to pay if she wasn't promptly escorted from the area because IT WAS STINKY! Girls will be girls, and she is most certainly ALL girl.

I'll post the pictures Jamie took as soon as I get them from her. We'll all be going to the Children's Museum on Thursday, and I damn well better remember the memory card this time. Let's just pray I remember the camera.


Dawn 8/27/2008 9:42 PM  

I feel the same away about the petting zoo (It's Stinky!), and Emerson wanted to stay and stare at the goats.

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